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The Seventy-seventh World Health Assembly is being held in Geneva, Switzerland, on 27 May – 1 June 2024. The theme of this year’s Health Assembly is: All for Health, Health for All. During the Seventy-seventh World Health Assembly, a series of strategic roundtables will be held. During these… Read more.

Upcoming Events

28 Oct 2024 - 31 Oct 2024
he RBM Partnership to End Malaria, through its Country and Regional Support Partner Committee (CRSPC), is hosting its annual meeting with National Malaria Programmes from Western and Central Africa
4 Dec 2024 - 5 Dec 2024

Previous Events

The World Health Summit is the unique international strategic forum for global health.
The International Day of the Girl Child focuses attention on the need to address the challenges girls face and to promote girls’ empowerment and the fulfilment of their human right
Join Breakthrough ACTION Guyana and partners to learn how the “Lil Mosquito, Big Problem” campaign used SBC data
To reach zero malaria, we need a comprehensive advocacy and communications strategy that will help us build momentum and work strategically towards addressing the challenges that are standing in th
The Francophonie summit will open on 4 October 2024 at the Cité internationale de la langue française, in Villers-Cotterêts, a place entirely dedicated to the French language and French-speaking cu
The UN General Assembly will convene a High-Level Meeting on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) for the second time during its 79th session (UNGA 79) in New York in September 2024.
Antimicrobial resistance, including growing malaria parasite resistance to treatments, remains a major challenge of our time.
Join this event to explore the innovative, cross-sector partnerships to end malaria that integrate the firsthand experiences, voices, and expertise of leaders in malaria-endemic communities and cou
The Summit is a high-level event, bringing world leaders together to forge a new international consensus on how we deliver a better present and safeguard the future.
The 79 United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) will take place from 12th to 25th September in New York, and the RBM Partnership will be there to ensure that malaria stays on top of
The RBM Partnership to End Malaria, through its Country and Regional Support Partner Committee (CRSPC) and in collaboration with its partners, will organise a face-to-face annual sub-regional meeti
The SBC WG is pleased to announce this year's Annual Meeting will be held September 11-13 in Nairobi!
The 79th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA 79) will open on Tuesday, 10 September 2024.
Mark your calendars for September 10th and 11th, 2024, as we gather in Nairobi for our annual meeting. This year's theme is
Mark your calendars for September 10th and 11th, 2024, as we gather in Nairobi for our annual meeting.
On the sidelines of the Regional Committee meeting, UNITAID will hold an event titled ‘Promoting equitable and sustainable access to life-saving innovations in
The Seventy- fourth session of the WHO Regional Committee for Africa is expected to be held in a physical format in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo, from 26 to the 30 August 2024.The provisional age
To commemorate World Humanitarian Day, the United Nations Foundation and the Alliance for Malaria Prevention will be hosting a webinar titled “Health for All: Including Refugees and Internally Disp
The purpose of the Advocacy & Resource Mobilization Partner Committee (ARMPC) is to design, and subsequently support implementation of the Partnership Advocacy Strategy related to advo
20 August is World Mosquito Day, a global commemoration of Sir Ronald Ross’ discovery in 1897 that female Anopheles mosquitoes transmit malaria between humans.
On 19 August 2003, a bomb attack on the Canal Hotel in Baghdad, Iraq, killed 22 humanitarian aid workers, including the UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Iraq, Sergio Vieira de
Zimbabwe  will  host  the  44th  SADC  Summit  of  Heads  of  State  and Government and assume the Chairmanship of SADC on 17th August, 2024.
International Youth Day (IYD) is celebrated annually on 12 August to bring youth issues to the forefront of the international community, celebrating the potential of youth as partn
RBM Partnership to End Malaria's participation in the 6th SADC Youth Forum is crucial as it provides a unique platform to engage with a diverse group of young lead
X Space ( formerly Twitter Space )  Theme: Bridging the Gap: Youth in Digitalization, Malaria and Climate Action
The 2024 Summer Olympics  and commonly known as Paris 2024, is an upcoming international multi-sport even
World Population Day 2024 is a moment to ask who is still going uncounted and why – and what this costs individuals, societies, and our global efforts to leave no one behind.
RBM Partnership SBC Working Group - July 11 General Call
The Authority of Heads of State of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) are meeting in Abuja
The International Day of Parliamentarism, also known as World Parliament Day, is celebrated every year on 30 June.
WHY WE CELEBRATE THE DAY? Pursuant to the adoption of the United Nations General Assembly Resolution A/RES/76/269 proclaiming 24 June as the International Day of Women in
On 20 June 2024, a high-level event co-hosted in Paris by the Government of France, the African Union and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, along with the support of Team Europe, will launch the African
What is World Refugee Day? World Refugee Day is an international day designated by the United Nations to honour refugees around the globe.
Returning to Sydney, Australia in June 2024, the third Global Health Security Conference provides a forum where leaders, researchers, policymakers and representatives from government, international
What is the Day of the African Child? The Day of the African Child (DAC) was instituted in 1991 by the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the
The Government of Papua New Guinea, in partnership with the Asia Pacific Leaders Malaria Alliance, will host the 8th Asia Pacific Leaders’ Summit on Malaria Elimination on June 6-7,
What is World Environment Day? Led by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and held annually on 5 June since 1973, 
This executive roundtable is convened to discuss the progress on WHO Global Malaria Program´s guiding principles to prioritize malaria interventions in resource constrained settings and accelerate
The Seventy-seventh World Health Assembly is being held in Geneva, Switzerland, on 27 May – 1 June 2024. The theme of this year’s Health Assembly is: All for Health, Health for All.
As the World Health Assembly approaches, the African Union, African
The G7 Summit will be held in Borgo Egnazia, in Apulia, on June 13-15, 2024.
World Malaria Day, observed globally annually on 25th April serves to emphasize the importance of ongoing investment and sustained political commitment for malaria prevention and control.
Join the African Leaders Malaria Alliance, ALMA Youth Advisory Council and national Malaria Youth Corps and champions for this special webinar commemorating World Malaria Day 2024.
Have you registered yet for this major conference? It is going to be very insightful and engaging around the latest malaria topics!  Book your seat today here:
The Multilateral Initiative on Malaria (MIM) Society, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health (MoH)- Rwanda and the Rwanda Biomedical Center (RBC), is hosting the 8th Pan-African Malaria Confe
The conference will take place from April 6 to April 8, 2024, at the Julius Nyerere International Conference Center in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.  This convening is
The Yaoundé conference, co-hosted by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Government of Cameroon, gathered Ministers of Health, global malaria partners, funding agencies, scientists, civil s
​Date: Thursday, February 29 - 8:00 AM Washington, DC / 13h Accra / 14h Luanda / 15h Lusaka / 16h Addis (
World Neglected Tropical Diseases Day is observed every year on 30 January.
A special event to highlight the World Health Organizations´s World Malaria Report 2023, with a high-level dialogue on the status of the fight to end the disease, the scientific innnovations that w
The recent episode of the Malaria Routine Data in Action webinar series held on the 20th November, was dedicated to the topic of
The RBM/CRSPC held the
 The SBC Working Group of the RBM Partnership
Commemoration of SADC Malaria Day is held annually on 6th November to create awareness about malaria and mobilise communities to participate in the malaria control programmes.
Zero Malaria F.C.
The RBM/CRSPC held the Eastern and Southern Africa National Malaria Programmes and Partners Annual Meeting in Kampala, Uganda, from 3 - 6 October
 Accurate population estimations are crucial for malaria prevention, control, and elimination efforts, yet obtaining accurate population estimates can be challenging.
African Union Heads of State and Government, global health leaders and development partners will be meeting on the sidelines o
Malaria in pregnancy, or MiP, is responsible for approximately 10,000 maternal deaths and 100,000 newborn deaths yearly.
The recent episode of the Malaria Routine Data in Action webinar series held on the 7th September, was dedicated to the topic of
International Youth Day gives an opportunity to celebrate and mainstream young peoples’ voices, actions and initiatives, as well as their meaningful, universal and equitable engagement.
​To support countries to develop and submit high quality malaria applications to the Global Fund during the Grant Cycle 7 (GC7) period, th
On July 8 in Dakar, the African Union Commission, the African Leaders M
Zero Malaria Starts with Me is a movement dedicated to empowering communities to take ownership over the fight to end malaria, driving action at all levels of society including among politic
The RBM Partnership to End Malaria held a Partners Briefing on Thursday 6 June to formally introduce the permanent CEO and new Board. In case you missed it, here is
The 34th SME WG Annual Meeting that held from 22 to 24 May 2023, in Bangkok, Thailand, brought together 32 in-person SMERG participants from 12 countries.
Join the SBC WG to hear 2022 World Malaria Report highlights and SBC implications on Ma
To support countries to develop and submit high quality malaria applications to the Global Fund during the Grant Cycle 7 (GC7) period, the RBM Partnership to End Malaria Country Regional
Each year Afghanistan's Malaria and other Vector-borne disease program celebrates World Malaria day to highlight the need for continued investment and sustained political commitment to malaria prev
Taking place on 27 April in Geneva, this high-level event hosted by RBM in partnership with WHO and the International Organization of the Francophonie aims to inform and raise awareness in French-s
Les Elus Locaux Contre le Paludisme is hosting an event in Paris for it's official launch with support from partners (Esprit d'Ebène, Friends of the Global Fund Europe, the Global Fund, Speak Up Af
The UN Foundation/United to Beat Malaria, Malaria No More, the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, and the Malaria Roundtable will host a World Malaria Day Champions’ Breakfast on Ca
The UN Foundation/United to Beat Malaria, Malaria No More, the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, and the Malaria Roundtable will host a World Malaria Day Champions’ Breakfast on Ca
Imperial College London students and staff are invited to join this World Malaria Day workshop: Fighting Malaria in a Future World.
On the day of World Malaria Day 2023 “Ready to Beat Malaria”, MMV and Georg Kippels MdB are convening at the Bundestag a high-level group of experts, civil society, parliamentarians, and academic i
A call for multi-sectoral engagement to share the burden and end the burden of diseases including malaria. Speaker: Dr. Celina Aju-Ameh, PAMCA
In Tillabéri province of Niger, ODI - a local CSO, will be delivering a malaria awareness raising campaign in the local community before taking action to sanitize high-risk public places such as th
The Fonjo Foundation will be delivering a range of activities in Uganda this World Malaria Day including: - Distributing literature on malaria prevention in the community
Coalition of partners led by The Global Fund plan to launch l’association des élus locaux contre le paludisme (association of elected officials against malaria) at an event in Paris.
Guinea Bissau has shown significant interest in adopting the pan-African Zero Malaria Starts with Me campaign.
RBM to host a webinar including WHO expert, Dr Corine, country partners & an End Malaria Council member, to discuss opportunities to address bottlenecks in delivering tools and treatments and b
The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH) is hosting its annual briefing honoring Alan J.
Impact Santé Afrique (ISA) / CS4ME Secretariat partners invite you to the CS4ME Annual Forum 2023, taking place Monday 24 April between 09:00 - 13:00 GMT.
In the Democratic Republic of Congo, Bilenge Sans Malaria are organising a range of activities including: - Educating students and teachers on malaria prevention methods, and creating anti-malaria
The Government of India and the Asia Pacific Leaders Malaria Alliance, are hosting the Conclave.
Malaria No More UK are placing a media package with The Telegraph profiling young sicentists working on malaria innovations - John Rankin photo gallery and press release on World Malaria Day, Teleg
In Dolisie, Republic of Congo, a team of 40 OCPS rescuers and 5 DDSA agents from Dolisie are leading an awareness walk for World Malaria Day.
In Dolisie, local CSOs are leading malaria awareness campaigns in schools and community advocacy activities for World Malaria Day.
Burundi is celebrating World Malaria Day by delivering mass awareness campaigns in schools, while journalists will produce and broadcast programs related to this year's theme.
To prepare for the Global Fund’s Grant Cycle 7 (GC7) funding request submissions, the RBM Partnership to End Malaria Country Regional Support Partner Committee organized a mock Technical
Join the SBC WG General Call to hear a technical presentation by PATH Zambia, a presentation on including SBC in Global Fund applic
For registration and more information about the meeting, please visit the event website.
The annual VCWG meeting provides a platform for the malaria vector control community to exchange on latest best practices and research relevant to current and future malaria vector control operatio
Time:  9am Eastern Time (US and Canada)
In preparation for the Global Fund funding request for the Grant Cycle 7 (GC7), the RBM Partnership to End Malaria Country Regional Support Partner Committee organized two back-to-back orientation
The 22nd Annual MiP WG Meeting focused on the sharing of best practices and current MiP approaches amongst a contingent of country representatives from both malaria
The 22nd Annual MiP WG Meeting focused on the sharing of best practices and current MiP approaches amongst a contingent of country representatives from both malaria
15:00 - 17:30 CET Objectives of the meeting:
The RBM Partnership to End Malaria, through its Country and Regional Support Partner Committee, conducted its annual meeting with 8 National Malaria Programmes representing 8 countries in the Centr
Register here.
The RBM Partnership to End Malaria, through its Country and Regional Support Partner Committee, conducted its annual meeting with 16 National Malaria Programmes representing 16 countries in the Wes
The RBM Partnership to End Malaria, through its Country and Regional Support Partner Committee, conducted its annual meeting with 12 National Malaria Programmes representing 12 countries in the Sou
Register here.
On Thursday 23 June, on the side-lines of the 26th Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Rwanda, the Kigali Summit on Malaria and Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) summoned endemic and donor
The RBM Partnership to End Malaria, through its Country and Regional Support Partner Committee, conducted its annual meeting with 14 National Malaria Programmes representing 11 countries in the Eas
Join the SBC WG for the May 19 General Call,
The 33rd SME WG Annual Meeting that was held from 17 to 20 May 2022, in Kigali, Rwuanda, brought together 59 in-person SME WG participants from 20 countries.
Work stream 3: Implementing the Global Vector Control Response.
Work stream 2: Expanding the vector control toolbox.
Work stream 1: Enhancing the impact of core interventions.
High-level event hosted by US Kenyan Embassy and AU Mission to the US to engage donor and malaria-endemic country leaders with Replenishment campaign
Wednesday, 27 April 2022 from 15:00 to 16:00 CEST (9:00-10:00 EDT)
Time: 13.30 - 18.00 GMT
The Hill congressional briefing with H.E. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, led by UN Foundation and Malaria No More US
The webinar, chaired by Kevin Tetteh from LSHTM, will include a presentation by Faith Osier from International AIDS Vaccine Initiative on the developments in malaria vaccines from a general an
Unique Pharma, a pharmaceutical firm, is one of the major contributors to health and wellness in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Unique Pharma is delivering a mass awareness campaign, and providing free malaria screening and treatment with the Centre Medical de Botour hospital. 
A malaria panel event will take place at the East Africa Health Summit, supported by Malaria No More UK. 
Target Malaria will be visiting schools in Uganda to promote careers in research
Target Malaria is launching a digital campaign highlighting how African scientists harness innovation and how they encourage the younger generation to have a career in malaria research.
Following the launch of Benin’s Zero Malaria Business Leadership Initiative, a photo exhibition is taking place to mobilize resources from the private sector, as well as public sector and internati
Time: 15:00 – 16:30 CET Language: French (with English interpretation)
World Malaria Day, on 25 April, is an opportunity for the global community to collectively raise our voice in unison to keep malaria high on the global health agenda.
Speaker: H.E. President Uhuru Kenyatta, President of Kenya
Civil society is hosting high level advocacy event at Cameroon’s US embassy to engage parliamentarians around the Global Fund’s Seventh Replenishment
Fighting malaria through innovation and access Time: 14:00 CET
Time: 8:00 - 9:00 EDT
Join WHO, MMV, Impact Santé Afrique and CSOs around the world for the annual Global Malaria Civil Society Forum!
PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) is a large copper and gold mining company with a workforce population more than 26,000.
Protect Yourself, Use Mosquito Repellents. Prevent re-infection, complete your treatment.
Register here.
In 2020, malaria claimed 647 000 lives. The global importance of the burden of malaria is addressed in Sustainable Development Goal 3.3.
Join the Social and Behavior Change Working Group for their March 17 General Call, featuring a technical presentation from Breakthrough ACTION Côte d'Ivoire: "Creating
Charting the course for the VCWG work streams.
International Women’s Day on 8 March presents us with the opportunity to raise awareness of the women and adolescent girls at the heart of the malaria fight, and to shine a spotlight on the ongoing
Over the last two decades, the global malaria community has made significant gains in reducing the global
 Regional Collaboration for Malaria Elimination & Health Security 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM SGT (GMT+08) Virtual
Time of the event to be confirmed.
Please join us for the virtual launch of Healthy Cities, Healthy People, a new initiative bringing together urban leaders and organisations committed to creating healthy cities for all, with a focu
Dear Partners,
In commemoration of Malaria Day in the Americas 2021 
The RBM Partnership to End Malaria, through its Country/Regional Support Partner Committee (CRSPC), is planning to conduct its annual meetings with National Malaria Control Programme (NMC
Time of the event: 15.00-18.00 CET
On the occasion of the International Day of the Girl Child, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, the RBM Partnership to End Malaria, Speak Up Africa and UN Women 
11.00-12.00 CEST RBM Partnership briefing - Session I 17.00-18.00 CEST RBM Partnership briefing - Session II
The Social and Behavior Change Communication community can unleash transformational change around some of the world's most pressing challenges, including poverty, gender equality, protecting the pl
A Call to Action to G20 Leaders, Health and Finance Ministers The annual Health20 Summit on 1-2 September 2021, hosted by
The Social and Behaviour Change Working Group is pleased to share the agenda for the upcoming Virtual Forum.
In 1999, the General Assembly endorsed the recommendation made by the World Conference of Ministers Responsible for Youth that 12 August be declared International Youth Day.
To commemorate International Youth Day 2021 , the African Leaders Malaria Alliance is hosting a Virtual Intergenerational Dialogue with the African Union Commission Youth Division, Innovation and E
Join the SBC WG for a technical presentation from Sergio Tsabete on Communication Interventions Supporting the Mass Drug Administration Campaign in Ibo and Metuge Cabo Delgado, Mozambique.
Find more information here. 
The African Leaders Malaria Alliance and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will host a virtual event highlighting the incredible progress made by African countries in mobilising public a
Over the course of seven decades, China, the world’s most populous country, succeeded in driving down its malaria burden from 30 million cases per year in the 1940s to zero in 2017 – a notable achi
On the eve of Zero Malaria Starts with Me 3rd anniversary, the African Union Commission, the African Leaders Malaria Alliance (ALMA), the RBM Partnership and Speak Up Africa will host a virtual eve
General Information Agenda
Please join the U.S. Presiden't Malaria Initative for an information and discussion session on PMI's 2021-2026 draft Strategic Plan. U.S. Global Malaria Coordinator Dr.
Third and final session of the RBM Partnership to End Malaria 19th Board meeting.
We are pleased to invite you to Tackling malaria: A win-win for saving lives and preventing future pandemics, our upcoming virtual event.
Dear Partners, 
This World Nutrition Day, join speakers from the Asia Pacific Leaders Malaria Alliance (APLMA), RBMPartnership to End Malaria and UNICEF at a virtual discussion as part of the ISNT
The RBM Partnership Surveillance, Monitoring, and Evaluation Group (SME WG) organized its 32nd SME WG meeting virtually from 18 to 20 May 2021.
In 2019 an estimated 405,000 lives were lost to malaria globally. About 67% of these were children under the age of five.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the given circumstances and restrictions, the Vector Control Working Group (VCWG) annual meeting will be virtual comprising 5 virtual events in March and April
Diseases like malaria but also COVID-19 have shown that we are only as strong as our weakest link.
On April 25, Pharmacists all over Nigeria will be commemorating World Malaria Day by engaging their community through health outreaches, distribution of printed information about malaria prevention
An Instagram Live World Malaria Day DJ Party hosted by Makeda Mahadeo taking place on Instagram @contactmakeda.
On Sunday, 25th April, the following events will take place in Kenya:
DRAW THE LINE AGAINST MALARIA presents A Rubbin’ Minds World Malaria Day special 
World Malaria Day, which takes place on 25 April each year, is an internationally recognized day, highlighting the global efforts to control malaria and celebrating the gains that have been
Celebration will be done in 2 modes: - On 23 April 2021: reception and distribution of some key health equipment procured with the GF support in one HF located in Dakar.
The full-day virtual scientific symposium commemorating World Malaria Day begins at 9 a.m.
Malaria Partners International is collaborating with the Rotary Club of Kisaasi Kyanja in conjunction with the Rotary District 9211 that have organized a bicycle ride event on the 25th of Apri
An interactive youth-led session hosted by the African Leaders Malaria Alliance (ALMA) and organized by the LMA Youth Advisory Council.
On the occasion of World Malaria Day 2021, Impact Santé Afrique (ISA) in collaboration with the African Leaders Malaria Alliance (ALMA) a
NMCP Burkina in collaboration with Speak Up Africa will launch the Zero Malaria Business Leadership Initiative (ZMBLI) campaign on 22nd April 2021.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the given circumstances and restrictions, the Vector Control Working Group (VCWG) annual meeting will be virtual comprising 5 virtual events in March and April
Malaria Consortium and CRS_Expertise twitter chat about innovative ways to end malaria in the Sahel.
Despite the COVID-19 pandemic and other challenges, a growing number of countries are approaching – and achieving – malaria elimination.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the given circumstances and restrictions, the Vector Control Working Group (VCWG) annual meeting will be virtual comprising 5 virtual events in March and April
Malaria No More Japan (MNMJ) will organize Japan/US/UK political dialogue to eliminate malaria and mosquito-borne diseases on World Malaria Day 2021.The dialogue will discuss the climate
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the given circumstances and restrictions, the Vector Control Working Group (VCWG) annual meeting will be virtual comprising 5 virtual events in March and April
Once a year, the Isdell:Flowers Cross Border Malaria Initiative convenes malaria partners and advocates, Ministry of Health representatives, scientists, and implementers to share updates on malaria
The Alliance for Malaria Prevention 2021 Annual Meeting will be held virtually due to COVID-19.
The goal of the WiM2021 conference is to highlight the outstanding contributions of female scientists in the field, provide equal opportunities of participation to WiM from the early stages of thei
In 2021, five virtual events replaced the annual face-to-face meeting of the Working Group  
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the given circumstances and restrictions, the Vector Control Working Group (VCWG) annual meeting will be virtual comprising 5 virtual events in March and April
Dear RBM Partners,
Africa’s first COVID cases were diagnosed in mid-February 2020.
Dear RBM Partners,
This year, due to COVID, we will be holding our annual partners' meeting virtually, While we will miss seeing many of you in person, we look forward to this format enabling even more partners - and
WHO is in the process of updating the Global technical strategy for malaria 2016–2030 to reflect experiences and lessons
Learn about the recently disseminated MiP M&E Brief: When: Thursday, January 21st from 8:00-9:30am EST
Building on the success of Lives in the Balance: A COVID-19 Summit for the Health and Well-Being of Women, Children and Adolescents (1-2 July 2020), The Partnership for Maternal, Newborn & Chil
Fight the Fakes is a campaign that aims to raise awareness about the dangers of fake medicines.
Tuesday 8 December 2020 at 13:00 GMT. 
On December 7–8, 2020, Harvard University will partner with National Institute for Parasitic Diseases (NIPD), Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the World Health Organizat
COVID-19 has completely upended the global health landscape, undermining the ongoing fight against other infectious diseases.
COVID-19 has placed at the forefront the importance of timely access to health commodities to support countries’ response to health threats.
COVID-19 has placed at the forefront the importance of timely access to health commodities to support countries’ response to health threats.
On 17 November 2020, a virtual sponsored symposium will be held in conjunction with the ASTMH Annual Meeting, focusing on re-starting malaria R&D in the face of COVID in Africa. 
Medicines for Malaria Venture in collaboration with UNICEF and ISGlobal is organizing a side event on adolescent girls and malaria as part of the upcoming Women and Girls’ summit. 
Date: November 16 and 17 Register here:  
The RBM Partnership to End Malaria, through its Country/Regional Support Partner Committee (CRSPC), is planning to conduct its annual meetings with National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP) Manager
Dear colleagues, please join our partner PAHO to celebrate Malaria Day in the Americas 2020!
Please join GBCHealth and Friends of the Global Fight against AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria on Wednesday, October 21 for a virtual dialogue on the role of t
Date: October 21 and 22 Time: 8h-10h DC || 12h-14h Accra || 13h-15h Luanda || 14h-16h Lusaka/Maputo || 15h-17h Addis
Follow a discussion with Dr.
Join us for a high-level virtual event “Zero Malaria Challenge: How the lessons of the past can inspire progress to end malaria” under the leadership of His Excellency President Uhuru Kenyatta
The RBM Partnership Surveillance, Monitoring, and Evaluation Group (SME WG) organized its 32nd SME WG meeting virtually from 23 to 25 September 2020.  More than 95 online participants and speakers
The National Institute of Malariology, Parasitology and Entomology (NIMPE) Viet Nam, Asia Pacific Leaders Malaria Alliance and Asia Pacific Malaria Elimination Ne
The recent stalling of global progress on malaria has been further compounded by COVID-19. A modelling analysis from WHO and partners found that the number of malaria deaths in sub-Saharan Afr
Asia Pacific Leaders Malaria Alliance (APLMA) in collaboration with the RBM Partnership to End Malaria (RBM) and Innovative Vector Control Consortium (IVCC), is pleased to invite you to the second
RBM Partnership to End Malaria - AMMREN Media breifing series 4th media briefing: RTS,S rollout - One year on from the launch of the pilot vaccination scheme
 29th July at 9:00 NYC/13:00 Dakar/14:00 Kinshasa/15:00 Geneva/16:00 Nairobi Dear colleagues/partners/friends, 
Webinar series by ISA Academy (Impact Santé Afrique) and CS4ME: Are you familiar with the standard LLINs? PBO? New Generation? How to maintain LLINs? What is their impact?
Dear Colleagues, Partners and Friends,
Will the world’s preoccupation with COVID set the stage for 800,000 malaria deaths this year?
2 July 2020 marks two years since African Union leaders
Impact Santé Afrique (ISA) is pleased to invite you to the next webinar tomorrow with the collaboration of The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Ma
UNICEF’s mission is to address the needs of two of the world’s most vulnerable groups: young children and pregnant women.
La pandémie de COVID-19 met à rude épreuve les systèmes de santé en Afrique.
Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) play crucial roles in malaria control and elimination in the Greater Mekong Subregion, especially in expanding malaria services to remote communities.
As part of the ‘APMEN TechTalks’ webinar series, "Forest-goers and residual malaria: addressing the challenge", hosted by the APMEN Vector Control Working Group is scheduled on June 9, 4:00 pm Sing
The UK government will host Gavi’s third donor pledging conference to mobilise at least US$ 7.4 billion in additional resources to protect the next generation with vaccines, reduce disease inequali
The COVID-19 pandemic is exposing the deep inequities that undermine global health, especially gender inequities impacting women front line health and care workers.
Some research shows the data of the increase case of malaria in the process of agricultural devel-opment, especially rice production.
Webinaire à l'occasion de la Journée Mondiale de lutte contre le Paludisme À propos de cet événement
Since 2000, India cut malaria cases by more than half and the number of malaria deaths by more than two-thirds.
When it comes to declaring #ZeroMalariaStartsWithMe,
World Malaria Day, which takes place on 25 April each year, is an internationally recognized day, highlighting the global efforts to control malaria and celebrating the gains that have been
Join Malaria Consortium, King's College London, Malaria No More UK and MMV on Friday, 24 April, for a #WorldMalaria
Programmes de lutte contre le paludisme : quelle continuité en contexte de pandémie de Coronavirus ? 23 avril 2020, 16:00 CEST
The Federal Ministry of Health, the RBM Partnership in Nigeria and the Corporate Alliance on Malaria in Africa (CAMA) are pleased to invite you to a webinar as we discuss how to sustain malaria int
For this World Malaria Day, in this current context of COVID-19,  CS4ME would like to engage and mobilize more civil society organizations about the importance of malaria by organizi
This ePanel, filmed during the Keystone Symposia Conference: The Malaria En
A virtual workshop led by the Global Health Network in partnership with the Malaria Consortium.
The Meeting will be held at the “Four Points by Sheraton, Nairobi Hurlingham”.The RBM Partnership Secretariat has blocked rooms at the same hotel.
Kindly register here. 
The 3rd Annual Meeting of the MSWG took place at Moevenpick Hotel, Geneva from 6 - 7 February 2020.
General Information Agenda Presentations
General Information Agenda
General Information Agenda Presentations
General Information Agenda Presentations
General Information Agenda Presentations
General Information Agenda
The 2020 Vector Control Working Group annual meeting had the largest participation to date! The RBM VCWG 15th annual meeting was another exciting gathe
Le Congrès 2019 de l’AIMF se tiendra à Phnom-Penh du 2 au 4 décembre sur le thème "AIMF, Phnom Penh, 40 ans après…".
The second edition of the Fight the Fakes Week will take place between 2-8 December 2019.
The CMWG hosted a lunch meeting for its members present at the 68th Annual Meeting of the American Society of the Tropical Medicine and Hygiene on November 22, from 12 - 1.30pm.
The European Public Health Conference Foundation, the European Public Health Association (EUPHA) and the Société Française de Santé Publique (sfsp) are pleased to invite you to
The biennial Reaching the Last Mile (RLM) Forum convenes global health leaders to share insights and best practices on how to map out, eliminate and eradicate infectious diseases.
The 2019 Women Leaders in Global Health Conference will convene speakers and participants from diverse sectors in global health.
  In commemoration of Malaria Day in the Americas 2019
Malaria in Melbourne is a well-established biennial meeting that brings together the malaria research community in Melbourne and Australia, providing the opportunity to learn about recen
Since it was launched in 2009, the World Health Summit has brought together stakeholders and decision-makers from every field in the healthcare spectrum, providing the perfect fo
HLTH’s mission is to bring together senior leaders from across the health ecosystem in the private sector to solve the most pressing problems and actualize the most promising opportunities to impro
The sub-regional meetings bring together National Malaria Control Programme coordinators and their teams, as well as other key players in the field of malaria at national, regional an
The RBM Partnership to End Malaria welcomes you to attend an official side event at the Global Fund Replenishment Conference in Lyon, France.
The FAO/WHO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Management (JMPM) advises on matters pertaining to pesticide regulation, management and use, and alerts to new developm
This year, in order to take advantage of the fact that the United Nations is hosting two high-level meetings the Access Challenge, as part of the new One by One: Target 2030 campaign, wil
During the 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly, this high-level meeting on universal health coverage will focus on the theme, 'UHC: Moving Together to Build a Healthier World,’
The Pan-African Mosquito Control Association (PAMCA) is an African professional body that brings together players in the field of mosquito and mosquito-borne disease control.
The first-ever edition of the Walk the Talk: The Health for All Challenge in the United States, will be held on 22 September 2019 over 4 miles in New York's beautiful Central Park.
The "Joint Meeting on Pesticide Residues" (JMPR) is an expert ad hoc body administered jointly by FAO and WHO in the purpose of harmonizing the requirement and t
The sub-regional meetings bring together National Malaria Control Programme coordinators and their teams, as well as other key players in the field of malaria at national, regional an
The RBM Partnership to End Malaria (RBM) Social and Behavior Change Working Group (SBCC WG) aims to empower partners at the country level to develop, implement and evaluate effective social and beh
The programme in Cape Town, South Africa, aims to tackle geopolitical and industrial issues in Africa by focusing on how to scale up the transformation of regional architecture r
The Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) is an international conference led by the Japanese government and co-sponsored by the United Nations, the United Nations Developmen
High-Level Dialogue on the sidelines of the 2019 Tokyo International Conference on African Development: Progress and Challenges in Achieving Malaria Elimination in Africa
Sixty-ninth session of the WHO Regional Committee for Africa will take place in Brazzaville, Republic of the Congo, on August 26 - 28. The WHO Regional Committee for Africa is the Org
The meeting of the high-level political forum on sustainable development in 2019 convened under the auspices of the Economic and Social Council, will be held from Tuesday
In July 2019, 100 Resilient Cities – Pioneered by The Rockefeller Foundation (100RC) will bring together a network of urban resilience practitioners from cities around the world in Rot
Aiming for breadth and depth to stimulate interactions between clinicians, scientists, public health professionals and policymakers with diverse expertise and geographic represen
The G20 has made continuous efforts toward achieving robust global economic growth.
ICPVR 2019 will bring together 250-300 researchers working on diverse aspects of P.
Triggered by the unprecedented global spread of dengue and chikungunya viruses and outbreaks of Zika virus disease and yellow fever in 2015-2016, the World Health Organization developed the Global
The Science of Eradication: Malaria is a nomination-based leadership development course.
The 30th SME WG Annual Meeting that was held from 5 to 7 June 2019, in Accra, Ghanaa, brought together 30 in-person SME WG participants from 12 countries.   
The global fight against malaria since 2000 has been one of public health’s greatest triumphs, saving nearly 7 million lives and preventing over one billion cases.
“Malaria: stepping up the fight to reach 2030 objectives”
Notwithstanding the scientific evidence of the safety and effectiveness of vaccines, we continue to witness major outbreaks and deaths from vaccine-preventable diseases.
The next ARMPC face-to-face annual meeting will take place in Geneva on 20 May 2019. The meeting will be held at the Global Health Campus. 
The World Health Assembly is the decision-making body of WHO. It is attended by delegations from all WHO Member States and focuses on a specific health agenda prepared by the Executive Board.
Independent evaluation of the public health value of innovative new tools, technologies and approaches for vector control is needed to enable WHO to provide evidence-based
The Wellcome Centre for Anti-Infectives Research (WCAIR) invites you to the WCAIR Conference
Malaria No More and the Malaria Roundtable in conjunction with the Congressional Caucuses on Malaria and Neglected Tropical Diseases are holding a reception on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.
Jenta Mongoro is located in Jos North LGA of Plateau state Nigeria.
The main events of the day will be held in the Copperbelt province, where representatives of the government, the private sector and local communities will organize a mass distribution of mosquito n
The celebration of World Malaria Day will be held under the theme "Zero Malaria Starts with Me" with activities in Abuja and throughout the country, including events, press conferences, outrea
Swiss TPH and Swill Malaria Group
Registration open until April 10.
World Malaria Day, which takes place on 25 April each year, is an internationally recognized day, highlighting the global efforts to control malaria
The purpose of the event is to highlight the progress towards malaria elimination in Asia-Pacific countries, members of the Francophonie (Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and Vanuatu) and to raise
The World Humanitarian Forum is being launched in 2019 as part of a unique portfolio of events including Aid&Trade
Organized by Unite For Sight, the Global Health & Innovation Conference is the one of the largest global health & social entrepreneurship conferences, with nearly 2,000 p
The Global Conference on Strengthening Synergies between the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (informally the Climate & SDGs Synergy Conference
Ahead of International Day of Francophonie, March 20th, the International Organization of Francophonie, the RBM Partnership to End Malaria, the World Health Organization, the Global Fund to Fight A
Since the publication of the WHO recommendation on SMC in March 2012 and after 3-6 years of implementation, this intervention has emerged as a crucial strategy for reducing the burden of malaria in
The next SCPC face-to-face annual meeting will take place in Geneva from 13 to 14 February 2019. The meeting will be held at the Global Health Campus. 
The 20th Annual MiP WG Meeting provided an opportunity for country representatives from both malaria control and reproductive health programs, donors, researchers and implementing
What: RBM MiP WG 20th Annual Meeting Where: Hotel Avenida, Maputo, Mozambique When: 12-14 February, 2019 Objectives:
Over the past several decades, a robust and growing commitment to global health has led to improved access to healthcare and health outcomes across the African continent, contributing to greater po
The 10th Annual Meeting of the Case Management Working Group took place at the Global Health Campus in Geneva from February 6 - 8.
General Information Meeting Report
General Information Meeting Agenda
General Information Meeting Agenda
General Information Meeting Agenda
General Information Meeting Agenda Presentation
General Information Meeting Agenda
General Information Meeting Agenda
The fourteenth annual vector control meeting counted 270 participants from 52 countries, including partners from national vector-borne disease control programs,
Inspired by IFPMA’s internal Fight the Fakes day, partners in attendance at the Brussels Meeting on 23 October 2017 agreed to commit to an annual Fight the Fakes day/week to raise
The Board will convene from the 18th to the 20th November at the Polana Serena Hotel, Avenida Julius Nyerere 1380, Maputo, Mozambique.
In line with this strategic objective and building on its past experience, through its Country/Regional Support Partner Committee (CRSPC), the RBM Partnership
The RBM Country / Regional Support Partner Committee (CRSPC) will have its 1st All-Committee Face-to-Face meeting on 13 October 2018 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 
In line with this strategic objective and building on its past experience, through its Country/Regional Support Partner Committee (CRSPC), the RBM Partnership
The SCPC Steering Committee will meet on the 25 September, during UNGA, to discuss priorities for RBM leading up to and in
The SBCC Working Group is holding its Annual Meeting September 25-27, 2018 in Lusaka Zambia. For more information please contact the Working Group Secretariat.
Taking advantage of the political energy already mobilised around the development of the Sahel Malaria Elimination Initiative (SaME) and looking to address the practical in-country implementation p
The 29th SME WG Annual Meeting that was held from 12 to 14 September 2018, in Dar Salaam, Tanzania, brought together 46 in-person SME WG participants from 10countries. 
The 29th RBM Monitoring & Evaluation Reference Group Meeting, will take place in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania from Wednesday, September 12 – Friday, September 14, 2018.
This high-profile working lunch will be held on the sidelines of the 67th Session of the WHO Regional Committee for Africa.
The Sixty-eighth session of the WHO Regional Committee for Africa will take place in Dakar, capital of the Republic of Senegal, land of the Teranga, from 27 to 31 August 2018 at the King Fahd Hotel
The meeting, themed as“Deepen China-Africa Health Cooperation, and Jointly Build the Health Silk Road“, is aiming to comprehensively summarize the progress and experience harvested from C
The 64th World Congress of the International Pharmaceutical Students Federation (IPSF) will take place from 30 July to 8 August in Mendoza, Argentina.
The 31st Ordinary Session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the African Union (AU) will take place from 25th June to 2nd July 2018, under th
A major gap in the malaria response landscape is the absence of a forum where representatives of the entire malaria world can meet.
San José, Costa Rica
The Sahel Malaria Elimination Initiative (SaME) represents a coordinated sub-regional collaboration effort targeted at shrinking the malaria map through a multi-country p
Meeting Notes of the 9th Roll Back Malaria Partnership Board Meeting
Meeting Notes of the 8th Roll Back Malaria Partnership Board Meeting
Meeting Notes of the 7th Roll Back Malaria Partnership Board Meeting
The 28th SME WG Annual Meeting that was held from 18 to 20 September 2018, inMbour, Senegal, brought together 37 in-person SME WG participants from 10 countries. 
The 19th Roll Back Malaria- Malaria in Pregnancy (MIP) Working Group (WG) annual meeting was held from September 18-20, 2017 in Geneva, Switzerland.  The meeting was organized in collaboration
The Case Management Working Group is Back on Track!
Meeting Notes of the 6th Roll Back Malaria Partnership Board Meeting
Meeting Notes of the 5th Roll Back Malaria Partnership Board Meeting
The 27th SME WG Annual Meeting that was held from 30 January  to 1 Febraury 2017, in Geneva, Switzerland, brought together 34 in-person SME WG participants from 12 countries. 
Meeting Notes of the 4th Roll Back Malaria Partnership Board Meeting
Meeting Notes of the 3rd Roll Back Malaria Partnership Board Meeting
Meeting Notes of the 2nd Roll Back Malaria Partnership Board Meeting
The 26th SME WG Annual Meeting that was held from 24 to 26 May 2016, in Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo, brought together 34 in-person SME WG participants from 10 countries. 
Meeting Notes of the 1st Roll Back Malaria Partnership Board Meeting
Over 230 participants gathered for the 11th annual Vector Control Working Group meeting on 3-5 February and engaged in thorough discussion on emerging technical and political issues.
CARN’s First annual meeting was held 8 December 2005 in Douala, Cameroon.
The 25th SME WG Annual Meeting that was held from 7 to 9 October 2015, in Istanbul, Turkey, brought together 45 in-person SME WG participants from 12 countries. 
Background documents: Meeting report List of participants Meeting agenda Presentations:
The 24th SME WG Annual Meeting that was held from 19 to 21 February 2015, Maputo, Mozambique, brought together 35 in-person SME WG participants from 10 countries. 
Day 1, Session 1: Showing the Proof- How SBCC is Impacting Malaria
The TRP will be led by the HWG and will have members from WHO and other experienced elimination experts.
The 23rd SME WG Annual Meeting that was held from 17 to 19 September 2014,Oxford, United Kingdom, brought together 36 in-person SME WG participants from 10 countries.