To support countries to develop and submit high quality malaria applications to the Global Fund during the Grant Cycle 7 (GC7) period, the RBM Partnership to End Malaria Country Regional Support Partner Committee organized the second mock Technical Review Panel (TRP) for window 2 countries in Dakar, Senegal from May 2–4, 2023. Participants included representatives from 21 malaria-endemic countries in Africa, the Americas and Asia Pacific, such as Malaria Programme Managers, M&E Officers, Global Fund focal personnel, CCM's, and local partners. Additionally, the workshop was attended by RBM Secretariat, Global Fund Secretariat, RBM consultants, WHO, and other partners. The event was held in a hybrid format, with 161 participants attending in-person and almost 50 participating virtually. UN agencies, NGOs, academia, parliamentarians, private sector, and Civil Societies were also represented.
The main goal of the meeting was to provide an opportunity for countries to conduct a comprehensive peer review of their GF malaria funding applications, with support from recognized experts, to ensure the finalization of the application prior to submission to the Global Fund. The workshop was aimed at countries that will submit their malaria funding applications to the Global Fund by 29 May 2023.
The post-meeting evaluation revealed a high satisfaction rate among all participants and partners, indicating that the workshop will significantly improve their GF funding requests.
See all documents:
- Mock TRP 2 Meeting Report 2023
- Logistics notes Mock TRP 2
- Concept note Mock TRP 2
- Focused Portfolios - Reviewers Guidelines
- Full Review - Reviewers Guidelines
- NSP - Reviewers Guidelines
- Programme Continuation - Reviewers Guidelines