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3rd Annual Meeting of the Multi-Sectoral Working Group
Hotel Mövenpick
6-7 February 2020

Hotel Mövenpick, Geneva, Switzerland
Thu, 6 Feb 2020

The 3rd Annual Meeting of the MSWG took place at Moevenpick Hotel, Geneva from 6 - 7 February 2020. The meeting counted 69 participants from 22 countries, its highest participation rate to date. A main objective was sharing experiences on implemented multisectoral responses and discussion around technical assistance needs in countries. The MSWG welcomes new members, potential partners to join the distribution list.

General Information

Meeting Report (EN / FR)

Agenda and Meeting Objectives

List of Paticipants

Brief Update

Travel Preparation Booklet


Day 1

Raman Velayudhan - The role of the non-health sector in Vector Control

Josh Levens - RBM Partnership Strategy and the role of multisectoral action

Updates from the Case Management Working Group

Updates from the Monitoring and Evaluation Reference Group

Updates from the Malaria in Pregnancy Working Group

Updates from the Social and Behaviour Change Communication Working Group

Updates from the Vector Control Working Group

Valentina Buj - Malaria in Humanitarian Emergencies

Steve Lindsay - Building Out Vector-borne diseases in sub-Saharan Africa  (Video supplement)

Jo Lines - Rice & Malaria in Africa: A Growing Problem

Ahmad Raeisi - Malaria Elimination Achievement through Intersectoral Collaboration & Partnership in Iran

Day 2

Erik Blas - Summary Day 1

Ignace Bimenyimana - Approche multisectorielle dans le cadre de la lutte contre les epidemies de paludisme au Burundi

Peter Kwehangana Mbabazi - Mass Action Against Malaria (MAAM) for Malaria-free sectors

Michael Hayward - Rotarians Against Malaria Global Action Group

Valentina Buj - UNICEF’s Malaria Strategy & Activities

Erik Blas - Multisectoral Action Framework for Malaria: RBM & UNDP - 2019 Update for action

Qingxia Zhong & Erik Blas - The Road to Sustainable Elimination: The Path-Finder Endeavour

Qingxia Zhong - Multisectoral approaches for the prevention and control of vector-borne diseases

Instructions Group Work

Results for Group Work from Group 5