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Fri, 4 Dec 2020

COVID-19 has completely upended the global health landscape, undermining the ongoing fight against other infectious diseases. In a recent survey, nearly 75% of programs funded by the Global Fund said they were facing pandemic-related challenges. As the disease continues to devastate communities around the world, the campaign against malaria isbeing uniquely threatened.

We are already seeing deleterious effectsof the pandemic on malariathrough testing and treatment challenges, supply chain disruptions that slow the delivery of critical medicines and supplies, and major delays of planned net distribution and indoor spraying initiatives.

Compounding these immediate problems is the concern that as decisionmakers remain laser-focused on marshalling resources towards the fight against coronavirus,support for malaria programs will further decline in the coming years.

Brought to you by the Business Alliance Against Malaria, this event will focus, in an interactive fashion on the links between COVID-19-Malaria, teasing out insights from infectious disease experts regarding the impact that the current COVID-19 pandemic will likely have on ongoing efforts to combat malaria.

Join us to:

  • Reflect on the impact the COVID-19 pandemic response has had/will haveon ongoing and planned malaria initiatives
  • Learn about unique opportunities to implement joint initiatives that can effectively combat both diseases
  • Identify key challenges the malaria community will face in both retaining funding f r initiatives and in securing additional resources to adapt programs to the COVID-19 context
  • Elevate critical messages that must be used to persuade decisionmakers to sustain funding for malaria


Moderator: Eric Olander, Managing Editor, China Africa Project

  • Rima Shretta, Honorary Visiting Research Fellow, Center for Tropical Med and GH, University of Oxford
  • Patrik Silborn, Head External Relations, Asia Pacific Leaders Malaria Alliance
  • Joy Phumaphi, Executive Secretary, ALMA
  • Caroline Desrousseaux, Co-Chair, Business Alliance Against MalariaR

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