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Jenta Mongoro, Nigeria
Thu, 25 Apr 2019

Jenta Mongoro is located in Jos North LGA of Plateau state Nigeria. The community has sanitation as one of it's major challenges, this is as a result of so many factors some of which includes the stagnant river where open defecation is practiced located somewhere around the community, the lack of adherence towards keeping the community clean amongst many other factors.

These poor sanitation factor has also become a big challenge health wise for the people of Jenta Mongoro as mosquitoes have found these community habitable hence increasing the prevalence of malaria in the area.

The Jos Block Malaria project heard about Jenta Mongoro and decided to take this year's project there so they will get sensitized on good sanitation practices, preventive measures on malaria and as well get equipped with proper combating tools towards malaria eradication in their community.

Why are they doing this? Its simply because #ZeroMalariaStartsWithJosBlockMalaria #ZeroMalariaStartsWithMe #JosBlockMalaria2019

Are you ready to help them keep Jenta Mongoro clean and free from mosquitoes?

Get in touch and let's together keep #KeepJentaMongoroClean&FreeFromMosquitoes