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The Case Management Working Group (CMWG) aims to achieve consensus on complex strategic issues concerning scaling up implementation of policies for malaria case management, and on synthesizing and disseminating evidence-based best practice.


Prof. Olugbenga Mokuolu   University of Ilorin, Nigeria

Dr Noella Umulisa                JHPIEGO, Rwanda

Working Group Secretariat

Ms Johanna Stenstrom       Swiss TPH, Switzerland

After a four-year hiatus, the Case Management Working Group (CMWG) has been revived with the generous financial support from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) in 2017. The objectives of the Working Group are to reconvene the global malaria partners to share experiences and evidence on best practices for improving malaria case management.

New CMWG Working Group structure

During the last annual meeting the Working Group announced its new structure with four Work Streams.

CMWG structure





Thursday 13 March, 2025

2:00 PM - 2:45 PM CET


Guidelines for pre-referral rectal artesunate implementation at community level for children with severe malaria

In 2023 WHO produced the document Pre-referral treatment with rectal artesunate of children with suspected severe malaria: a field guide. This provides overarching guidance for countries that are planning to introduce rectal artesunate in their malaria programmes. However, countries that are planning to adopt rectal artesunate have requested additional practical guidance on how to design and implement a community-based rectal artesunate intervention in rural settings.

To this end, Medicines for Malaria Venture and Transaid have developed Guidelines for pre-referral rectal artesunate implementation at community level for children with severe malaria. This provides step-by-step guidance on topics that will help to support the planning and implementation of a community rectal artesunate intervention. The guidelines contain practical information that can be adapted to suit a variety of implementation contexts.
Click to register


The 13th annual RBM CMWG in Kigali, Rwanda, was held successfully!

Date: September 24–26, 2024

Location: Ubumwe Grande Hotel Kigali, Rwanda.

Documents are ready to read (click to see)


Purpose of the Working Group

The RBM CMWG is a dynamic and systematic coordination, convening and facilitating mechanism at global level that aims to minimize wasteful duplication and maximize synergies, encourage harmonization and pooling of efforts for faster uptake and scale up of malaria case management strategies. The Working Group aims to achieve consensus on complex strategic issues concerning scaling up implementation of policies for malaria case management, and on synthesizing and disseminating evidence-based best practices. This is done without duplicating the essential responsibility of WHO expert committees and consultations, which is to advise on norms and standards for products and services and their appropriate use.


One of the four essential elements of the RBM strategy is access to prompt diagnosis and effective treatment for malarial disease. Ensuring universal access to malaria diagnosis improves the quality of care and ensures that antimalarial medicines are used rationally and correctly. Ensuring universal access to quality-assured antimalarials in the public and private sectors will ensure that all malaria patients receive prompt treatment. Scaling up access to effective treatment of malaria cases will be contingent on well-coordinated, multi-disciplinary action towards defined objectives, systems, services and products. Challenges to achieving universal access to quality malaria case management including the threat of drug resistance, increasing prevalence of parasites with HRP2 deletions and weak health systems need to be systematically addressed by national programs and their partners. 

Functions of the Working Group

The activities of the CMWG include, but not be limited to, the following:

Convene. The CMWG brings together a group of partners who work on use of diagnostic methods, improving drug provision, ensuring access to affordable quality drugs and quality treatment advice in both the public and private sectors, improving provider and patient use of malaria drugs, mitigating the risks of antimalarial drug resistance, and measuring the impact of implementation scale up on morbidity. The CMWG can also help identify necessary expertise and experts to bring in on a temporary, ad hoc basis to assist with addressing issues outside of the expertise of the CMWG itself.

Coordinate. By bringing Partners together, the CMWG gives a forum for Partners to coordinate:

  • Developing and maintaining consensus across partners and institutions around strategies for improved effectiveness of key components of case management.
  • Identifying critical strategic questions related to malaria case management. Organizing task forces with the partnership secretariat to address these, drawing on a wider range of expertise than is directly represented in the CMWG.
  • Examining how effective case management, in accordance with country policies and WHO recommendations, can be taken to scale, sustained and adapted for elimination in endemic countries most efficiently.
  • Liaising and coordinating with other relevant Working Groups, institutions, programmes, initiatives, networks and activities, towards RBM objectives to ensure that work reflects changing needs.
  • Collaborating with other RBM Working Groups whose work is relevant to, or overlaps with case management to deal effectively with cross cutting issues pertinent to case management.
  • Assisting the RBM partnership to develop an appropriate research agenda and promote research.

Communicate. By facilitating communication, the CMWG is a forum for mutual learning. Key functions:

  • Accelerating flow of information to countries and others in the RBM partnership on developments within other programmes, institutions and initiatives that may have relevance for RBM and case management, including progress in drug development.
  • Advising the Board on allocation of resources and capacity building needs for achieving the objective of scaling up effective case management.
  • Advocating for increased attention to and resources for effective malaria case management.
  • Other activities as requested by the RBM Secretariat or Board within the scope of its expertise and functions.

For further information, please refer to the CMWG Revised Terms of Reference adopted in April 2018 following the 9th RBM Partnership Board meeting.