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Geneva, Switzerland
Wed, 13 Feb 2019 - Thu, 14 Feb 2019

The next SCPC face-to-face annual meeting will take place in Geneva from 13 to 14 February 2019. The meeting will be held at the Global Health Campus. 
The provisional agenda can be found here.

The meeting of the full Partner Committee will commence after lunchtime on the 13, immediately after the SCPC Steering Committee meeting open to SC members only, and will continue until the afternoon of the 14. 

Travel and hotel expenses are to be covered by partners, however the Partnership Secretariat will be able to support a select group of partners to travel. In addition, the Secretariat can support the visa application process. Those Partners who require visa and/or financial support should please fill in the required fields in the registration form, and write to


  • SCPC 3rd annual meeting (2019): agenda
  • SCPC 2019 Annual Meeting - Logistical Note