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Tue, 28 Sep 2021 - Wed, 29 Sep 2021


The 21st Annual MiP WG Meeting is a virtual meeting due to COVID travel restrictions.  This has allowed for greater participation from the WG community, including country representatives from both malaria control and reproductive health programs, donors, researchers and implementing partners.  This two-day meeting prioritizes the key MiP themes relevant to advancing MiP interventions: data quality/MiP indicators, gender and equity and the application of the 2016 WHO ANC recommendations for optimal pregnancy.  The meeting also includes the sharing of current MiP related research findings, including midline study results on the TIPTOP C-IPTp pilot.  This is also an opportunity to review WG achievements and priorities, including the global Call to Action to increase IPTp uptake and efforts to increase country engagement. 


Purpose and Objectives: To support countries in their efforts to improve access to and coverage of key interventions, the 21st RBM MiP Working Group meeting will focus on the following objectives:

  1. Share, disseminate and discuss approaches that are or have the potential to contribute to improving MiP coverage
  2. Share, disseminate and discuss new MiP research and implications for MiP programming
  3. Determine WG priorities and map out activities and roles for 2022

Agenda (Downloadable)


Day 1 - Presentations

Day 2 - Presentations