Hotel Moevenpick, Geneva
Thu, 31 Jan 2019
General Information
Josiane Etiang & Michael Macdonald - Opening
Konstantina Boutsika - The malaria capacity strengthening landscape
Thomas Smith - Modelling vector control interventions against malaria in Haiti
Mamadou B. Coulibaly - Integrating Aedes Into Existing Malaria Vector Control Systems In Africa
Birkinesh Ameneshewa - ANVR: Filling the gap in VC in the African Region
Eva Veronesi - Infravec2 and the role of integrating scientific strategy with governance
Herbert Nyberg - Sublethal Acoustic Tracheal Rupture Provides Novel Insights of Larval Mosquito Respiration
Additional visual material to this presentation: Two Larvae | Short Rupture | Day 5 after Exposure