This World Nutrition Day, join speakers from the Asia Pacific Leaders Malaria Alliance (APLMA), RBMPartnership to End Malaria and UNICEF at a virtual discussion as part of the ISNTD Connect series.This session will examine the relationship between nutrition and infectious diseases such as malaria,sharing lessons learned from Asia Pacific and worldwide.
Malaria and malnutrition coexist in a vicious cycle, as crucial deficiencies, such as a lack of iron, canincrease the risk of developing severe malaria and lead to increased morbidity and mortality frominfectious disease. Malaria infection can also push children and pregnant women into a malnourishedstate.
Join us to hear from global health experts and discover the opportunities for malaria programmes tointegrate malnutrition and anaemia interventions, and effectively tackle both challenges.
Date: Friday 28th May
Time: 08:00 – 09:30 GMT | 09:00 – 10:30 BST | 10:00 – 11:30 CEST | 16:00 – 17:30 SGT
Language: English
Please register your attendance and submit any questions for thespeakers here.
Ms Amita Chebbi, Senior Director, Asia Pacific Leaders Malaria Alliance - AsiaPacific Malaria Elimination Network (APLMA-APMEN)
Dr Lola Dare, Board Member of the RBM Partnership to End Malaria, President ofCHESTRAD Global Development Synergies
Dr Roland Kupka, Regional Nutrition Adviser for East Asia and Pacific, UNICEF
Kamran Rafiq, Co-Founder & Communications Director, ISNTD