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Wed, 27 Oct 2021 - Fri, 5 Nov 2021

The RBM Partnership to End Malaria, through its Country/Regional Support Partner Committee (CRSPC), is planning to conduct its annual meetings with National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP) Managers  and their key malaria staff and Partners for the year 2021. 

These virtual meetings will provide an opportunity to continue to engage NMCPs and partners to review the status of implementation of national malaria programmes,, identify major implementation bottleneck/challenges including the impact of the COVID-19, lessons learnt, and the implementation support required in 2022.

The dates and time will be as follows: 


Should you wish to join these events, we highly encourage you to register online using the links above per meeting as soon as possible to reserve your spot.

Thank you! 

The CRSPC Secretariat Team.