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Orangerie, Basel, Switzerland
Tue, 29 Aug 2017 - Wed, 30 Aug 2017

The Case Management Working Group is Back on Track!
After a four-year hiatus, the Case Management Working Group (CMWG) has been revived with the generous financial support from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). Its 9th annual meeting took place on 29-30 August 2017 in Basel (S&C Orangerie), with 25 participants from 20 organisations*. The objectives of the meeting were to reconvene the global malaria partners to share experiences and evidence on best practices for improving malaria case management, review the terms of reference for the CMWG and its role in the revitalised RBM Partnership, and decide on future CMWG leadership and organisational structure. CMWG developed its workplan under the three newly established workstreams (i) access to quality case management, (ii) improving the quality of case management, (iii) right approach, right time.

*Swiss TPH, MMV, FIND, CHAI, USAID/PMI, CDC, Muso, WWARN, WHO, Novartis, Global Fund, MSF, JHU, HUMAN, PSI,  Malaria Consortium, MoH NMCP Mali, NMCP Zambia, TropMed Pharma Consulting, Management Sciences for Health.

General Information

Meeting Report

Meeting Agenda

List of Participants


Elizabeth Juma - CMWG introductions, objectives, technical presentations

Konstantina Boutsika - Overview Rollback Malaria Partnership

Pierre Hugo & Kim van der Weijde - Experiences with severe malaria observatories and issues

Eric Halsey - Experiences with an antimalarial drug resistance network

Diakalia Kone & Madeleine Beebe - Experience implementing proactive iCCM

Busiku Hamainza - Results from a 2-year trial of 4 rounds of mass treatment for malaria 2014-2016, Southern Province, Zambia