The 22nd Annual MiP WG Meeting focused on the sharing of best practices and current MiP approaches amongst a contingent of country representatives from both malaria control and reproductive health programs, donors, researchers, and implementing partners. The 22nd meeting prioritized successful strategies related to the acceleration and scale-up of MiP interventions and capitalized on the presence of representatives from 17 countries to discuss challenges, successes, and support needs to protect more women from malaria in pregnancy.
Meeting Objectives:
- Share, disseminate, and discuss updates, products and new research and implications for MiP programming
- Share, disseminate, and discuss country best practices to improve coverage of MiP interventions
- Share, disseminate, and discuss innovative approaches that are or have the potential to contribute to improving MiP coverage
- Determine WG priorities for 2022
Participant List (Downloadable)
Day 1 - Presentations
Welcome remarks- First Lady of Ghana
RBM Partnership Working Groups
Host Country Presentation
Updates on MiP Drug Research
Accelerating the development of appropriate antimalarial options for pregnant and lactating women - Myriam El Gaaloul & Maud Majeres Lugand
Safety of artemisinin derivatives versus non-artemisinin antimalarials for treatment in the first trimester: An updated meta-analysis (presented to WHO GDG in 2022, recommendation pending - Stephanie Dellicour
Monthly intermittent preventive treatment with dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine with and without azithromycin versus monthly sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine to reduce adverse pregnancy outcomes in Africa: a randomized placebo-controlled superiority trial - Hellen Barsosio
Effect of high-grade sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine resistance on the efficacy of intermittent preventive treatment for malaria in pregnancy: a systematic review and individual participant data (IPD) meta-analysis - Caroline Osoro
MiP Research: Current burden and future options for burden reduction
Global estimates of pregnancies at risk of Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax infection In 2020 and changes in risk patterns since 2000 - Georgia Gore-Langton
Video presentation - Georgia Gore-Langton
Advancing the clinical development of placental malaria vaccines in the context of capacity building and use of digital health technologies - Nicaise Ndam
Quality of MiP Care
Improving quality of care for MiP through outreach training and supportive supervisions (OTSS+) In Sierra Leone - Wani Lahai
Using supervision data to identify drivers of quality MiP service delivery - Kate Wolf
Day 2 - Presentations
- Site Visit to Greater Accra Hospital in Accra, Ghana
- Learning from Countries
- Coordination of stakeholders as a key measure to improving Malaria in Pregnancy service delivery - Jane Nabakooza
- Reimagining and strengthening RMNCAH platform for a government-led partnership to improve sustainable Malaria in Pregnancy service delivery - Nnenna Ogbulafor
- Evaluation of the IPTp strategy in Burundi - Landrine Mugisha
- Technological innovation to develop beneficiary-centered health care: "Connecting with Sara:" Pilot approach in Nyabikere District - Chanelle Muhoza
- Experiences on MiP in 9 MUSKOKA focus countries - Abdoulaye Konate
Day 3 - Presentations
- Building strong MiP TWGs and global linkages
- MiP TWG toolkit / guide - Kate Wolf and Nenna Ogbulafor
- What's the word on C-IPTp?: Global guidance, resources and country experiences
- WHO: C-IPTp guidance - Peter Olumese
- C-IPTp resources you can use - Emmanuel 'Dipo Otolorin
- Learning from countries:
- Nigeria - Bright Orji
- Sierra Leone - Wani Lahai
- Senegal - Zeina Gaye
- Malawi - Akuzike Banda
- Potential innovations in pregnant women and young children chemoprevention service delivery
- Increasing intermittent preventive treatment uptake through enhanced antenatal clinic service delivery and community mobilization to improve maternal and child health - Kassoum Kayentao
- Perennial malaria chemoprevention: The Unitaid IPTi+ project addressing the gap between WHO guidance and country implementation - Jacques Kouakou
- Introducing intermittent preventive treatment with sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine - Augustin Fombah
- Perennial malaria chemoprevention (PMC): ongoing efforts and lessons learned from Sierra Leone, Mozambique and Togo - Kwabena Owusukyei