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MVW 2019 will focus attention on Vaccine Issues in relation to Malaria as a worldwide disease.

University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
Wed, 8 May 2019 - Fri, 10 May 2019


With more an estimated 200 million clinical cases annually, resulting in more than 580,000 deaths, malaria is not only an important global health problem but also a major factor limiting economic development in developing countries. Interventions that deploy an effective malaria vaccine are regarded as being one of the most cost-effective and reliable means to limit and ultimately eradicate the disease. In recent years, due to increased funding and research, malaria vaccine development has greatly accelerated. The MVW 2019 conference will look at different aspects of vaccine development, assessment and deployment, as well as funding and regulatory aspects of vaccine implementation and testing. The conference will also highlight research on the use of animal models and (controlled) clinical trials to study the immunological basis of protection and to identify novel candidate vaccine antigens.

The MVW 2019 meeting will be of interest to scientists, physicians and other professionals from the academic, industrial/commercial and governmental/policy/regulatory sectors that have an interest in vaccine development and global health.

Announcement Leaflet (pdf)