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Thu, 10 Sep 2020

Dear Colleagues, Partners and Friends,

COVID-19 has placed at the forefront the importance of timely access to health commodities to support countries’ response to health threats. The Malaria Gamechangers Series gathers Senior Officials from Asia Pacific, National Regulatory Authorities, manufacturers of malaria commodities and global health partners through an online roundtable to discuss existing and new tools and strategies to advance both health security and malaria elimination in the region.

The third online roundtable in this series will be held as a part of virtual Malaria Week 2020, hosted by the Government of Viet Nam together with APLMA & APMEN. 

The roundtable ‘Harnessing innovation to accelerate malaria elimination and strengthen health security’ will be held on 10 September 2020 from 1pm-3pm Hanoi time.

Kindly register here for the event.

We hope you will be able to join us for the roundtable and look forward to your participation!

To view the first Roundtable of the Malaria Gamechangers Health Innovation series, click here.

To view the second Roundtable of the Malaria Gamechangers Health Innovation series, click here.

Best Regards,

APLMA Secretariat/RBM Partnership to End Malaria/MMV/PATH