Malaria in Melbourne is an Australian biennial conference for all aspects of malaria science. This event brings together scientists from all over the world in a relaxed and collaborative environment to network and share current research.
Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Parkville, Australia
Mon, 28 Oct 2019 - Tue, 29 Oct 2019
Malaria in Melbourne is a well-established biennial meeting that brings together the malaria research community in Melbourne and Australia, providing the opportunity to learn about recent developments in the field in one of the most recognizable centres of malaria research in the world. Giving a representative picture of the current state of the research on malaria, session topics will range from the study of the parasite and its biology to the host’s response to infection, the latest advances of anti-parasitic drugdevelopment and the current state of malaria control in endemic areas.
Abstract submission closes on 30 August 2019. Registration closes on 18 October 2019.