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Hotel Avenida, Maputo, Mozambique
Tue, 12 Feb 2019 - Thu, 14 Feb 2019

What: RBM MiP WG 20th Annual Meeting

Where: Hotel Avenida, Maputo, Mozambique

When: 12-14 February, 2019


  1. Share, disseminate and discuss updates on key recommendations for MiP programming
  2. Share, disseminate and discuss key country practices that are helping to improve coverage of MiP interventions
  3. Share, disseminate and discuss innovative practices that are or have the potential to contribute to improving MiP coverage
  4. Share, disseminate and discuss new MiP research and implications for MiP programming
  5. Discuss WG strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities to help inform work plan priorities

Deadline to register: 11 January, 2019

Additional Info: Please contact