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Mon, 15 Jun 2020

Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) play crucial roles in malaria control and elimination in the Greater Mekong Subregion, especially in expanding malaria services to remote communities. The webinar will highlight the roles of CSOs and their frontline malaria service providers, and how continuity of malaria interventions during the COVID-19 pandemic can be maintained. The civil society representatives, community and health systems experts will share experiences, challenges and key learnings from the Global Fund Regional Artemisinin-resistance Initiative (RAI) program during this pandemic.

Moderator: Lorina McAdam


“Overall challenges of CSO implementation in the community during COVID-19” by Shreehari Acharya, Project Manager, Regional Malaria CSO Platform, GMS, American Refugee Committee

“How CSOs contribute to the national malaria control and elimination strategies during pandemic” by Louis Da Gama, CSO Representative and Executive Member at the RAI RSC, Advisor, Regional Malaria CSO Platform, GMS

“Maintaining malaria services amid COVID-19 in Myanmar: a CSO perspective” by Dr. Hnin Su Su Khin, Operations Director, Medical Action Myanmar

“Role of CSOs in Health System Strengthening and in the pandemic” by Dr. Eisa Hamid, Regional Senior Programme, M&E and Health Systems Specialist, Principal Recipient for Global Fund, UNOPS Asia Region

Jun 15, 2020 03:00 PM in Singapore

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