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Mon, 3 Dec 2018 - Sun, 9 Dec 2018

Inspired by IFPMA’s internal Fight the Fakes day, partners in attendance at the Brussels Meeting on 23 October 2017 agreed to commit to an annual Fight the Fakes day/week to raise awareness internally among colleagues and members of their organisation. The Fight the Fakes partners, through their organizations have the potential to reach thousands of people at international, regional and national level. This is to be achieved by leveraging our own internal networks to raise awareness of the campaign and the issue of fake medicines.

The goal is to increase awareness within the Fight the Fakes partner organisations and networks and have staff join in the fight against fake medicines during the week of 3-9 December 2018. The week coincides with activities for Patient Solidary Day organised by partner the International Alliance of Patients’ Organizations (IAPO), with this year’s theme “Safe Medication and Healthcare for All”.