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This online roundtable brings together experts - from technical malaria specialists to civil society – to discuss the role of innovation in the malaria fight.

Online meeting
Mon, 25 Apr 2022

Time: 15:00 – 16:30 CET

Language: French (with English interpretation)

Register here to attend the webinar and submit questions in advance.


  • Mr Georges Nakseu-Nguefang, OIF representation to the United Nations in Geneva and Vienna
  • H.E. Coly Seck, Senegal permanent representative to the United Nations in Geneva
  • Dr. Pascal Ringwald Coordinator, Global Malaria Programme, World Health Organization
  • Dr. Natiisah Chotun, Director, Unit of Endemic Diseases and Neglected Tropical Diseases, CDC Africa
  • Mrs Françoise Vanni, Head of External Relations and Communications, The Global Fund
  • Dr. Mamadou Coulibaly, Researcher, University of Sciences, Technics and Technologies of Bamako, andTarget Malaria, Mali
  • Dr. Corine Karema, RBM Partnership to End Malaria Board representative
  • Mr Hamza Djibo, CS4ME champion for the fight against malaria, Niger

The Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie, the World Health Organization, The Global Fund, theRBM Partnership to End Malaria and CDC Africa invite you to attend our innovation roundtable with special guests this World Malaria Day.

Since 2000, global partnership has prevented 1.7 billion malaria cases and saved 10.6 million lives. However, in recent years progress has stalled and COVID-19 disruptions, ongoing humanitarian crises and the emerging threat of resistance to antimalarial treatments and insecticides threatens this progress. This contributed to 69,000 more deaths from malaria in 2020, according to the latest World Malaria Report.

Innovation is key to addressing these challenges - including the development of new tools and adoption of innovative approaches to programme delivery. Significant investments in R&D over several years has produced a robust pipeline of malaria interventions poised to transform the fight against malaria, while theGlobal Fund’s innovative approaches to partnerships, financing, and catalytic investments has resulted in a45% drop in malaria deaths.

Join us this World Malaria Day to hear from a panel of experts, including technical specialists and civil society representatives, about the crucial role of innovation in the fight against malaria, promising new technologies and the importance of meeting the Global Fund’s Seventh Replenishment target to deliver crucial interventions to everyone at risk.