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Geneva, Switzerland
Mon, 6 Feb 2012 - Wed, 8 Feb 2012

There was continued progress in malaria vector control over the past year, but the gains are fragile, threatened by increasing insecticide resistance and remaining residual transmission beyond the reach of our traditional control measures of Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) and Long Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLINs). One of the most critical challenges is financial. Just at the time when pyrethroid resistance is increasing the immediate costs of control, and when the LLINs deployed by mass campaign over recent years are needing to be replaced, many programs face severe funding constraints and asked to do more with less. The vector control community must adapt its work to address these threats. It is through the diversity and reach of the partnership that solutions will be found.

The 7th annual RBM Vector Control Working Group meeting brought together more than 150 participants from national programs, commercial partners, academia, NGOs, foundations, multi-lateral and bi-lateral organizations to address these technical and programmatic challenges. The VCWG aims to complement the normative and policy-setting role of the WHO Global Malaria Programme (GMP) to build consensus, establish and strengthen partnerships and work towards solutions.

General Information

Report of the 7th Annual VCWG Meeting

Meeting agenda

Final Communique of the Meeting

List of Participants


Meeting Objectives

Vector Control Working Group Budget

Lessons Learned and the Way Forward

Robert Newman - Sustaining the gains in malaria control and elimination: the critical role of vector control

Jason Peat - AMP

Marc Coosemans & Chusak Prasittusuk - Progresses

Don de Savigny & Jayne Webster - Continuous LLIN Distribution Systems Update

Albert Kilian - Durability of LLIN in the Field: Update 2011 and plans

Indoor Residual House Spraying Work Stream Update

Steve Lindsay - Larval Source Management Work Stream: Update and plans

Raman Velayudhan and Jacob Williams - IVM update


Olivier Briët et al. - Epidemiological effectiveness of ITNs in the presence of pyrethroid resistance

Olivier Briët et al. - Predicting the effective lifetime of nets against malaria by micro-simulation

Labiofam - Experience in Larval Control


Insecticide Resistance

Outdoor Malaria Transmission

Continuous LLIN Distribution Systems

Durability of LLIN in the Field

Capacity Building Activities for IRS Work Stream

Larval Source Management

Optimizing Evidence for Vector Control Interventions

Entomological Monitoring and Integrated Vector Management (IVM)