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Football Fights Back: new F.C. launched to tackle deadly disease

25 April 2023: On World Malaria Day, football legends Luís Figo and Khalilou Fadiga have teamed up with the RBM Partnership to End Malaria to announce an exciting new initiative: the Zero Malaria F.C..

The new initiative will bring together a team of globally renowned footballers to increase malaria awareness, urge greater action against this deadly disease, and work with the RBM Partnership to advocate for the malaria response.

Invest, Innovate, Implement: It’s Time to Deliver Zero Malaria

The RBM Partnership to End Malaria is coming together this World Malaria Day to highlight the need for urgent action and further investment to end malaria. 

Since the turn of the millennium, global partnership and sustained investment have made a significant impact to the fight against malaria, preventing two billion malaria cases and saving 11.7 billion lives. Today, however, low coverage of existing tools, emerging biological threats and funding shortfalls are brewing a perfect storm for malaria, putting progress at risk.