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Recognizing Threats to Progress in Malaria as Opportunities: A briefing hosted by the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH).

The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH) is hosting its annual briefing honoring Alan J. Magill and his vision of an end of malaria, on Monday, April 24th from 12-3PM at Venable LLP in downtown Washington, DC. This year’s briefing—“Recognizing Threats to Progress in Malaria as Opportunities”—will convene key stakeholders in the malaria community to discuss how opportunities for innovation continue amid the challenging broader global health environment and how those threats and opportunities may impact future malaria control efforts.

World Malaria Day Workshop: Fighting Malaria in a Future World.

Imperial College London students and staff are invited to join this World Malaria Day workshop: Fighting Malaria in a Future World. This event will bring together people from across departments with interests in future malaria control and environmental change, considering impacts of our changing climate, land-use patterns, vector ecology and developments in control interventions. The day will include short talks, networking activities and breakout groups, ending with a discussion of funding opportunities in the area. Agenda and further details to follow.

Ready to Beat Malaria Parliamentary Dinner

On the day of World Malaria Day 2023 “Ready to Beat Malaria”, MMV and Georg Kippels MdB are convening at the Bundestag a high-level group of experts, civil society, parliamentarians, and academic institutions and implementing partners to discuss the existing burden of malaria and the importance of continued research and development and funding in malaria to effectively eliminate the disease by 90% in 2030. The discussions will also feature successful public private partnerships models such as between MMV and German institutions. 

Les Elus Locaux Contre le Palu s'engagent

Les Elus Locaux Contre le Paludisme is hosting an event in Paris for it's official launch with support from partners (Esprit d'Ebène, Friends of the Global Fund Europe, the Global Fund, Speak Up Africa, Paris municipality, and Paris 3e municipality), putting a focus on the role of local elected people in the fight against malaria. A roundtable with speakers from elected representatives, malaria community will be followed by the launch of an art exhibit made from graffitied mosquito nets accompanied by awareness-raising materials to be amplified across the Paris region.

Community activities in Tagazar and Balleyara districts of Niger

In Tillabéri province of Niger, ODI - a local CSO, will be delivering a malaria awareness raising campaign in the local community before taking action to sanitize high-risk public places such as the market and the bus staion. Municipal and administrative authorities, including neighborhood chiefs and female leaders will also participate to empower women and young people to take action to prevent malaria transmission bykeeping public places clean and following recommended prevention measures in their homes.

Bilenge Sans Malaria's commmunity activities in DRC

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, Bilenge Sans Malaria are organising a range of activities including: - Educating students and teachers on malaria prevention methods, and creating anti-malaria youth clubs. - Raising awareness among pregnant women on the importance of sleeping under a mosquito net and seeking antenatal care during pregnancy. - A conference bringing together doctors and other healthcare personnel around the theme of malaria prevention.

Speakers: Dr Neville Nkosi, Dr Akili Francis, Dr Rachel Ndaya