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Champions Breakfast

The UN Foundation/United to Beat Malaria, Malaria No More, the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, and the Malaria Roundtable will host a World Malaria Day Champions’ Breakfast on Capitol Hill from 9-11am on Wednesday, April 26. The event, in conjunction with the Senate Caucus on Malaria and Neglected Tropical Diseases, will focus on the role of U.S. innovation in the fight to end malaria, in particular highlighting the role of the National Institutes of Health for its work in infectious disease and monoclonal antibodies as a tool for malaria elimination.

Launch of Elected Officials initiative (Paris, France)

Coalition of partners led by The Global Fund plan to launch l’association des élus locaux contre le paludisme (association of elected officials against malaria) at an event in Paris. The event will provide an opportunity to engage elected officials from across the Francophonie, continue to mobilise the African Diaspora in France, and engage French policymakers around the Global Fund and the fight against malaria.

World Malaria Day 2023

Dear Partners,

Over the last two decades, the RBM Partnership to End Malaria has achieved significant progress, saving hundreds of thousands of lives.