General Information
Meeting Agenda
List of Participants
Background & Objectives
John Gimnig - Assessing the Durability of Long Lasting Insecticidal Nets: On-going Monitoring and Research in 8 PMI Countries
Albert Kilian - Textile Testing Methods for Nets: Summary of available field data
Jo Lines - LLIN durability
Abraham Mnzava - LLIN Testing and WHO Position
Albert Kilian - Measurement of Net Durability in the Field: Current recommended methodology
Ana Paula - Possible new tests, results, strengths and weaknesses
Marc Dedieu - Textile Testing Methods for Nets
Ole Skovmand - Influence of knitting pattern, square meter weight and denier. Model test for making stronger nets
Hartmut Haid - Possible new tests, results, strengths and weaknesses
Summary: Durability of mosquito nets and testing methods
Summary of Day 1
Summary of Day 2