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Dear Partners,

The RBM Partnership to End Malaria is developing its next Strategic Plan for the 2021-2025 period during the course of 2020.

The Partnership’s strategic development is guided by the following principles:

  • Inclusive and meaningful consultation
  • Coordination with partner strategy development processes 
  • Prioritized, specific and actionable areas of focus
  • Clearer roles and responsibilities within the Partnership

Taking place against the backdrop of the unprecedented global health crisis we are facing now, the next Strategic Plan will guide the determination of priorities and areas of focus across the Partnership, Partners and Secretariat – while taking into consideration the impact of COVID-19.

The process has started by an identification of key challenges and opportunities for malaria within the broader health and development landscape, and a review of how the RBM Partnership is best positioned to respond to these challenges and opportunities. 

Furthermore, the RBM Partnership is conscious that its next Strategic Plan will need to fit within broader strategy work being undertaken by the Global Fund, by the US President’s Malaria Initiative and by WHO in updating the Global Technical Strategy for Malaria 2016-2030, and is coordinating closely with those partners. Due to COVID-19, our plans for engagement and consultations with the broader Partnership have had to be adapted, making use of virtual methods of engagement. We will be reaching out to our stakeholders – endemic countries, communities, civil society, the private sector, academia, multilateral and bilateral development partners, funders, as well as perspectives beyond malaria – through different channels, and will maintain flexibility as the situation evolves.

Over the coming months, the Partners will be invited to participate in an online survey as well as thematic consultations, and we will be sharing draft materials for direct input and feedback. The RBM Partnership Strategic Plan 2021-2025 is expected to be submitted for approval by the Board at its next meeting in December 2020.

We thank you for your ongoing commitment and look forward to hearing from you on how the RBM Partnership can best deliver on its mandate in the next five years, which will be crucial for advancing our shared vision of a malaria-free world.

In the meantime, we welcome your comments and questions at:

Dr Abdourahmane Diallo

CEO, RBM Partnership to End Malaria

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