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6th Southern Africa Youth Forum

RBM Partnership to End Malaria's participation in the 6th SADC Youth Forum is crucial as it provides a unique platform to engage with a diverse group of young leaders from the Southern African region. This four-day conference in Harare, Zimbabwe, from August 10th to 13th, 2024, will see the attendance of 250 in-person participants and an additional 10,000 online attendees, allowing for extensive reach and impact.

1st RBM Board Resource Mobilisation Committee

The purpose of the Advocacy & Resource Mobilization Partner Committee (ARMPC) is to design, and subsequently support implementation of the Partnership Advocacy Strategy related to advocacy & resource mobilisation at global & regional levels.

The anticipated outcome of the ARMPC is increased political will and linked financial commitment for a malaria free world in the Sustainable Development era. The ARMPC will address identified resource gaps, and broader partnership advocacy activities, including multi-sectoral outreach.

Joint Advocacy and Communications Strategy Development Workshop

To reach zero malaria, we need a comprehensive advocacy and communications strategy that will help us build momentum and work strategically towards addressing the challenges that are standing in the way of progress.

From 9th to 11th October 2024, join us in Geneva as we plan our advocacy and communications and build a stronger partnership ready to face the complex challenges of malaria together. The workshop will enable us to create a joint advocacy and communications strategy and come up with guidelines on which to anchor our advocacy interventions.