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World Malaria Day 2024

Dear Partners,
Imagine a hopeful young mother, her pregnancy overshadowed by the threat of malaria. Each year, 10,000 mothers die because of malaria, their immune systems weakened through pregnancy, increasing the risk of infection and complications.

The statistics are staggering - in 2022, 12.7 million women in the WHO African Region faced malaria during pregnancy, a third of all expectant mothers. Behind these statistics are real human beings.

Community Health Worker Malaria Social and Behaviour Change Toolkit

The Community Health Worker Malaria Social and Behavior Change Toolkit, developed by the RBM Partnership to End Malaria Social and Behaviour Change Working Group in collaboration with Breakthrough ACTION, provides high-level guidance to incorporate social and behavior change (SBC) content into community health worker (CHW) training and materials.

WomenLift Health Global Conference 2024

The conference will take place from April 6 to April 8, 2024, at the Julius Nyerere International Conference Center in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.  This convening is poised as one of the largest platforms dedicated to addressing the multifaceted challenges impeding women’s progress in leadership roles in global health.

This in-person convening is positioned to build networks and leadership skills, mentor, inspire, empower and champion women leaders to catalyze global action to close the gender gap in health leadership.

SBC WG Annual Meeting

The SBC WG is pleased to announce this year's Annual Meeting will be held September 11-13 in Nairobi!

The 11th Annual Meeting will bring together malaria SBC professionals to share experiences, participate in skills-building sessions, discuss emerging issues, and set the WG's priorities for the coming year.

2024 Annual Meeting Website: