General Information
Meeting Report
Photo Gallery:
Joint Workshop VCWG & MSWG
Field Trip
List of Participants
List of Posters
VCWG-18 Brief Update
Feedback & Evaluation
Session 1 - Updates from Vector Control Community
Justin McBeath (VCWG) - Introductions, objectives, key updates
Corine Ngufor (VCWG) - Overview of agenda and objectives for VCWG-18
Keziah Malm (NMEP) - Progress to Malaria Elimination in Ghana
Philippe Batienon, Marsha Deda (RBM Partnership to End Malaria) - Update from RBM Partnership to End Malaria
Seth Irish (WHO GMP) - Update on malaria vector surveillance and control work at WHO
Marion Law, Dominique Schuler, Jude Onwujei (WHO-PQT/VCP) - Update from WHO PQ/VCP and status of Guideline: Prequalification of Insecticide Treated Nets (ITNs)
Kate Kolaczinski (The Global Fund) - Global Fund update on vector control financing
Lilia Gerberg (PMI) - PMI malaria vector control policy and strategy updates 2023
Matthew Black & Kelsey Barrett (Unitaid) - Strategic investments in vector control – A donor perspective on innovation
Session 2 - Work Stream Sessions
WS1: Enhancing Impact of Core Interventions
Allan Were, Mary Kante - Introduction of WS1 and Task team leaders
Task Team 4: Addressing non-biological threats - ITN/IRS quality, access and use/acceptance, durability/residual efficacy
Corine Ngufor (CREC), Jackline Martin (KCMU, NIMR ) - Durability testing of the bioefficacy of dual active ingredient ITNs, durability methods, and data from dual AI ITN monitoring
Keith Esch (VectorLink, PMI) - Physical and insecticidal durability of dual active ingredient and PBO ITNs: Results from 24-month surveys
Rock Aikpon (NMCP Benin) - Increase in the malaria entomological inoculation rate following indoor residual spraying withdrawal in Atacora, Benin
Medard Rukaari (NMCP Uganda) - Long-lasting insecticide-treated net repurposing practices and their predictors among households in Ibanda district, western Uganda
Tara Seethaler (CHAI) - Rethinking Post Market Monitoring
Task Team 1: Using data to inform optimal selection of core interventions
Ketty Ndhlovu (NMCP Zambia) - School-based ITN distribution (1) Policy, People and Resources: Why some countries have scaled up school-based distribution, others have not, and subsequent recommendations
Chrispin Williams (NMCP Liberia) - School-based ITN distribution (2) Case study: Liberia’s experience with school-based distribution: pilot & scale-up
VCWG WS1 Task Teams - Practical checklist for using routine data to measure VC impact
Task Team 2: Addressing biological threats; new insecticides for vector control (for IRS and ITNs)
Njelembo Mbewe (LSHTM, KCMUCo), Patrick Tungu (NIMR) - Non-inferiority experimental hut and community (Phase III) cluster randomized indoor residual spraying evaluation trials of Vectron™ T500 against malaria vectors in Tanzania
Pie Mueller (Swiss TPH) - Sub-lethal exposure to chlorfenapyr kills Plasmodium parasites in surviving insecticide-resistant Anopheles mosquitoes
Joe Wagman (New Nets Project) - Estimating the malaria prevention impact of dual active ingredient insecticide-treated nets: Results from the New Nets Project pilot evaluations
Task Team 3: Capacity building, localization, and private sector involvement for sustainable vector control
Jessica Rockwood, Samuel Asiedu - Capacity building, localization, and private sector involvement for sustainable vector control: Oct 18 Special Session Outcomes and Next Steps Vision for capacity building
Anastasia Isodje (Nigeria LNG, Ltd.) - Private Sector Partnership With Host Community To Achieve Malaria Elimination In Bonny Island
Augustine Firima (MSH Nigeria) - Local resource mobilization to support ITN distributions: Lessons learned from Nigeria
WS2: Expanding the Vector Control Toolbox
Sheila Ogoma, Derric Nimmo - Introduction: work stream updates
Task Team 2: Innovations in vector control and vector surveillance
Jason Richardson (IVCC) - Closing the gap
John Grieco (University of Notre Dame) - Spatial repellents: Roadmap to global recommendation of spatial repellents for public health use
Neil Lobo (University of Notre Dame, UCSF) - Shifting the conventional paradigm on evaluating interventions
Syeda Tullu Bukhari (ICIPE) - Microsporidia MB for malaria control
Kevin Gorman (Oxitec) - Self-Limiting Mosquitoes: A new tool against the invasive malaria vector, Anopheles stephensi
Task Team 3: Anthropology and human-centered design (interface between vector control and human behavior)
April Monroe (Johns Hopkins Center) - Task team updates - Task team on anthropology and human-centered design in vector control
Beatrice Egid (LSTM) - Update on List of Experts - Human behaviour in the context of vector control: list of experts
Mark Rowland (LSHTM) - Over-spraying in IRS trials: a real or imagined problem
Neil Lobo (University of Notre Dame, UCSF) - Using data to inform optimal selection of core interventions: Human behavior and exposure to mosquitoes
Task Team 1: Larval source management
Monique Shanahan (UP ISMC) , Climate change increases the risk of malaria transmission in South Africa
Joseph Chabi (Abt Associates) - Climate change increases the risk of malaria transmission in South Africa
Dawit Logita (University of Hawassa, Ethiopia) - Enhanced Survivorship and Fecundity of Malaria Vector Around Irrigation Scheme in Ethiopia
Fatou Ndiaye (LEVP/UCAD) - Distribution and dynamics of An. arabiensis breeding sites in three health districts with high malaria incidence, Diourbel, Touba and Kaolack (Senegal)
Wrap up
Sheila Ogoma, Derric Nimmo - New work stream co-lead, the future of WS2; what would be most useful to everyone
WS3: Implementing the Global Vector Control Response
Chadwick Sikaala, Anne Wilson - Work stream updates & Introduction of Task Teams
Task Team 1: Integrated Vector Management
Kallista Chan (LSHTM) - Suppressing the breeding of malaria vectors in African rice fields
Harrison Hardy (University of Greenwich) - The impacts of climate-adapted rice cultivation on malaria vector ecology
Task Team 2: Capacity and Collaboration
Edem Obum (PMI VL) - Applying a standardized, molecular entomology data labelling system in Ghana to effectively integrate into central DHIS2 database
Jo Lines (LSHTM) - Resilience Against Future Threats through Vector Control (RAFT) – a research program consortium
Task Team 3: Anopheles stephensi response
Sarah Zohdy - Introduction & Consensus statement
Helen Nwanosike (ISGlobal) - MESA landscape review
An. Stephensi Expert Panel discussion
Task Team 4: Vector control in humanitarian emergencies
Joe Lewinski (CRS), Dana McLaughlin (UN Foundation) - Update on Roundtable Series on Reducing Malaria in IDPs and Refugees
Dana McLaughlin (UN Foundation) - UN Foundation Analysis: Assessing the Inclusion of Displaced Populations in Global Fund Applications 2020-2022
Expanded Vector Control Toolbox in Humanitarian Settings
Louisa Messenger (University of Nevada, Las Vegas) - Talk 1: Vector control for malaria prevention during humanitarian emergencies: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Salum Azizi (KCMUCo), Jovin Kitau (WHO Country Office, Tanzania) - Talk 2: Laboratory and semi-field efficacy evaluation of permethrin-piperonyl butoxide treated blankets against pyrethroid-resistant malaria vectors
Richard Allan (MENTOR Initiative) - Talk 3: Phase III study on Durable Wall Lining in Liberia
Session 3 - Roundtable Discussion and Optional Sessions
Roundtable Discussion - Projecting towards 2030 - the role of vector control in a new malaria landscape
New Nets Projects and Future Considerations
Field visit
Workshop between Vector Control & Multi-Sectoral Working Groups
Workshop report
Peter Kwehangana Mbabazi (MSWG) - Kampala Urban Malaria-Multisectoral view
Lucy Tusting (LSHTM) - Shaping the built environment for vector-borne disease control
Graham Alabaster (UNHabitat) - Critical elements of WASH infrastructure and their contribution to managing vector-borne diseases
Jo Lines (LSHTM) - Rice and malaria in Africa: exploring agriculture-health co-benefits
Corine Ngufor (VCWG), Peter Mbabazi (MSWG) - Break-out session