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The purpose of the Country/Regional Support Partner Committee (CRSPC) is to provide a platform to engage the RBM Partnership community in coordinating support to countries and regions as they execute their malaria control and elimination implementation programs.

Support will be tailored to suit the requirements and existing capacity in each region and country. Where capacity exists at country level, the support will be provided at that level. Where there are gaps in capacity at country level to address a technical or implementation area, co-ordinated support will be provided at a regional level, and then from the global level. The decision of the most appropriate level of support will be through a triage mechanism. It is not intended that any RBM country/regional support will compete with or duplicate existing mechanisms that are already in place and working effectively.

Co-chairsPeter Olumese (WHO) and Hana Bilak (PATH)


The CRSPC Steering Committee composition and the Workstreams description are available under Related material.

The CRSPC  has supported the roll out of the updated programmatic and financial gap analyses as part of the broader support to countries in the development of their Global Fund malaria applications for the period 2018-2020. This moving summary includes the data from 35 countries that have finalised their grant making process, and additional updates will be provided as more final gap analyses become available.


 Malaria toolbox

 Related documents:





RBM Partnership to End Malaria Country Tracker to Mitigate the Effect of COVID-19 on Malaria (updated 12 July 2022)
RBM Partnership to End Malaria Country Tracker to Mitigate the Effect of COVID-19 on Malaria (updated 16 December 2021)
CRSPC Gap Analysis 2021-2023 - (updated 13 December 2021)
CRSPC TA plan 2021 (ESA & WCA)
CRSPC Steering Committee Members 2021
CRSPC Workstreams 2021
Country Resource Mobilization and Advocacy (CReMA) - Resource Mobilization Orientation Material