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Intercontinental Hotel, Johannesburg, South Africa
Thu, 23-9-2004 - Fri, 24-9-2004

In recognition of the bottleneck represented by the need to re-treat conventional ITNs to maximise effectiveness, a satellite group of the RBM Working Group on Insecticide-treated Nets (WIN) was established in 2003 to develop a framework for the development, production, and distribution of long lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs). Management Sciences for Health, in collaboration with UNICEF, WHO, RBM, and the Rockefeller Foundation drafted a LLIN business plan and a meeting in Johannesburg was convened to discuss the plan, identify key issues and agree specific action points.  This report provides full details of the RBM Johannesburg meeting on development, production and distribution of long lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs).  It is a complement to the Meeting Summary Report also available from RBM.

General Information


List of Participants

Final Business Plan