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RBM Partnership Unaffiliate Board Member Nomination Form

Governance documents

RBM2023EDP1 – appointment of an Advocacy and Resource Mobilisation Partner Committee (ARMPC) Co-chair

Governance documents

RBM2023EDP1 – appointment of an Advocacy and Resource Mobilisation Partner Committee (ARMPC) Co-chair

Governance documents

RBM Partnership Governance Review & Restructuring

Governance documents

Provisional Agenda - 26th Board Meeting of the RBM Partnership to End Malaria

Governance documents

Provisional Agenda - 24th Board Meeting of the RBM Partnership to End Malaria

Governance documents

Corrigendum Provisional Agenda - 23rd RBM Partnership Board Meeting

Governance documents

Consensus Statement on Repurposing ITNs: Applications for BCC Messaging and Actions at the Country Level


Consensus Statement on Repurposing ITNs: Applications for BCC Messaging and Actions at the Country Level

RBM Partnership to End Malaria Social Behavior Change Communication Working Group

Alliance for Malaria Prevention Emerging Issues Working Group

RBM Partnership to End Malaria Vector Control Working Group LLIN Priorities Work Stream

Published in October 2018

In 2014, the World Health Organization (WHO) Global Malaria Programme issued recommendations on the sound management of old long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (ITNs). 

The policy memo provides succinct guidance on ITN misuse but does not provide recommendations for the safe repurposing of old ITNs. There is a growing demand for guidance on what to do with old or worn-out ITNs throughout their life cycle. This consensus statement provides National Malaria Control/Elimination Programs (NMCPs) and implementing partners with clear recommendations and key messages on three categories of repurposing: beneficial repurposing, neutral repurposing, and misuse.

With the introduction of universal coverage strategies and the ongoing distribution and sale of ITNs, more people have access to and are using ITNs. Older ITNs accumulate in households as they are replaced with new ITNs, and given the lack of environmentally sustainable disposal options, households are instead repurposing the old ITNs. Households have demonstrated countless ways to repurpose an old ITN, including protecting seedlings, creating screening for window and doors, or using under a mattress as pest control. There are also reports of community leaders instituting fines or penalties for families who repurpose or misuse ITNs.

This consensus statement provides guidance on preventing ITN misuse and repurposing ITN materials without reprisal.

2022 Update: Malaria Social and Behaviour Change Program Guidance in the Context of COVID-19 Pandemic


On April 9, 2020, the World Health Organisation (WHO) Global Malaria Program (GMP) released the guidance Tailoring Malaria Interventions in the COVID-19 Response to address malaria within the critical preliminary phase of the context of COVID-19, which cuts across vector control (insecticide-treated nets [ITNs] and indoor residual spraying [IRS]), case management, chemoprevention (intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy [IPTp], seasonal malaria chemoprevention [SMC]), and supportive structures and systems (supply chain, program management, information systems, and communication and community engagement). To complement this guidance, the RBM Partnership to End Malaria Social Behaviour Change Working Group (RBM SBC WG) developed interim guidance for malaria SBC in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in April 2020.

This guidance was updated in April 2022.

Keeping Malaria High On The Agenda toolkit
