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RBM 2023 EDP 6-7-8-9 26 July 2023

Governance documents

Declaration by African Youth to End Malaria in Africa by 2030


Alma Youth Strategy 2020-2030


The purpose of this strategy is to provide a framework for engaging youth across Africa to develop a continental ALMA Youth Army for malaria elimination and contribute to the broader health and development agenda.

African Union Malaria Conversation Guide


The African Union Commission, Department of Health, Humanitarian Affairs and ‎Social Development launched the first continental conversation guide on malaria for youth in Africa at a virtual event hosted by the AIDS Watch Africa Secretariat ( on Friday, 12 August 2022 (International Youth Day)‎‎. The launch was held under the theme: ‎“Strengthening Youth Leadership and Engagement in Policy Dialogue for Malaria ‎‎Elimination in Africa‎.”‎

World Malaria Report 2022


Each year, the World Malaria Report spotlights progress and gaps in efforts to combat malaria across the globe. This year’s report is organized around four themes: response, risks, resilience and research. Malaria-affected countries continue to respond to a host of challenges, including disruptions arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. Although hard hit, most countries held the line and were able to maintain services to prevent, detect and treat malaria - a remarkable feat in the midst of a pandemic. Nonetheless, more than 600 000 people still die of malaria every year – most of them children. Even with the heroic efforts to maintain services during the pandemic, malaria control efforts face many hurdles in addition to the already significant COVID-related disruptions and other health system challenges, including long-running humanitarian crises, limited donor funding, and the potential effect of climate change on the spread of the disease.

Zero Malaria Starts with me - 5th Anniversary TOOLKIT


Partner Briefing Slides - June 2023

Governance documents


Governance documents

RBM Board Retreat 15 May 2023 PROVISIONAL AGENDA

Governance documents

RBM Partnership Chair Nomination Form

Governance documents