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RBM Partnership Eastern, Southern, Western and Central Africa National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP) Managers and CRSPC Partners Annual Virtual Meetings - 2021

The RBM Partnership to End Malaria, through its Country/Regional Support Partner Committee (CRSPC), is planning to conduct its annual meetings with National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP) Managers  and their key malaria staff and Partners for the year 2021. 

H20 Summit

A Call to Action to G20 Leaders, Health and Finance Ministers

The annual Health20 Summit on 1-2 September 2021, hosted by The G20 Health and Development Partnership, will be held virtually this year inviting G20 policymakers, international organisations, the global health community, economists, civil society and academia to join discussions and make concrete recommendations to G20 Health Ministers ahead of their summit about the future of global health crisis management and financing.

International Youth Day

In 1999, the General Assembly endorsed the recommendation made by the World Conference of Ministers Responsible for Youth that 12 August be declared International Youth Day.

International Youth Day gives an opportunity to celebrate and mainstream young peoples’ voices, actions and initiatives, as well as their meaningful, universal and equitable engagement.

Social Behaviour Change Working Group General Call

Join the SBC WG for a technical presentation from Sergio Tsabete on Communication Interventions Supporting the Mass Drug Administration Campaign in Ibo and Metuge Cabo Delgado, Mozambique. The technical presentation will be given in Portuguese and simultaneously translated into English and French.

The General Call will also include an update on the September Virtual Forum and membership updates

Date: Thursday, July 29
Time: 8:00 AM DC / 12h Accra / 13h Luanda / 14h Lusaka / 15h Addis

Southern African Development Community (SADC) Regional Malaria Coordinator

Hosted Entities : RBM Partnership to End Malaria

Job categories : Health

Vacancy code : VA/2021/B5119/22122

Level : ICS-11

Department/office : ECR, GVA, UN Partners

Duty station : Gaborone, Botswana

Contract type : International ICA

Contract level : IICA-3

Duration : Ongoing

Application period : 05-Jul-2021 to 19-Jul-2021


Applications to vacancies must be received before midnight Copenhagen time (CET) on the closing date of the announcement.