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Central Africa National Malaria Programmes and Partners Annual Meeting 2022

The RBM Partnership to End Malaria, through its Country and Regional Support Partner Committee, conducted its annual meeting with 8 National Malaria Programmes representing 8 countries in the Central Africa subregion, in Brazzaville, Congo, on 09-12 August 2022. This event was conducted as a hybrid meeting and was attended by a total of 53 face-to-face participants along with 55 virtual participants which included Countries, Global, regional and local partners, private sector, academia etc.

Western Africa National Malaria Programmes and Partners Annual Meeting 2022

The RBM Partnership to End Malaria, through its Country and Regional Support Partner Committee, conducted its annual meeting with 16 National Malaria Programmes representing 16 countries in the Western Africa subregion, in Dakar, Senegal, on 26-29 July 2022. This event was conducted as a hybrid meeting and was attended by a total of 116 face-to-face participants along with 65 virtual participants which included Countries, Global, regional and local partners, private sector, academia etc.

Southern Africa National Malaria Programmes and Partners Annual Meeting 2022

The RBM Partnership to End Malaria, through its Country and Regional Support Partner Committee, conducted its annual meeting with 12 National Malaria Programmes representing 12 countries in the Southern Africa subregion, in Harare Zimbabwe, on 05-08 July 2022. This event was conducted as a hybrid meeting and was attended by a total of 71 face-to- face participants along with 76 virtual participants which included Countries, Global, regional and local partners, private sector, academia etc.

Vacancy: Resilient and Sustainable Systems for Health (RSSH) Senior Specialist, Multiple positions

Job categories Health, Programme Management
Vacancy code VA/2022/B5146/23935
Level ICS-11
Department/office ECR, GVA, RBM Partnership (RBM)
Duty station Home based
Contract type International ICA
Contract level IICA-3
Duration 1 year renewable (Retainer)
Application period 17-May-2022 to 31-May-2022

2022 Update: Malaria Social and Behaviour Change Program Guidance in the Context of COVID-19 Pandemic

On April 9, 2020, the World Health Organisation (WHO) Global Malaria Program (GMP) released the guidance Tailoring Malaria Interventions in the COVID-19 Response to address malaria within the critical preliminary phase of the context of COVID-19, which cuts across vector control (insecticide-treated nets [ITNs] and indoor residual spraying [IRS]), case management, chemoprevention (intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy [IPTp], seasonal malaria chemoprevention [SMC

Eastern Africa National Malaria Programmes and Partners Annual Meeting 2022

The RBM Partnership to End Malaria, through its Country and Regional Support Partner Committee, conducted its annual meeting with 14 National Malaria Programmes representing 11 countries in the Eastern Africa subregion, in Nairobi, Kenya, on 08-11 June 2022. This event was conducted as a hybrid meeting and was attended by a total of 107 face-to- face participants along with 180 virtual participants which included Countries, Global, regional and local partners, private sector, academia etc.

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Event

The webinar, chaired by Kevin Tetteh from LSHTM, will include a presentation by Faith Osier from International AIDS Vaccine Initiative on the developments in malaria vaccines from a general and historical perspective. We will then be joined by Alassane Dicko from the University of Science, Techniques and Technologies of Bamako, Mali, who will present the Phase IV implementation studies for the RTS,S vaccine.  
