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Zero Malaria Starts with Smart Investments: virtual discussion to celebrate the campaign's 3rd anniversary

On the eve of Zero Malaria Starts with Me 3rd anniversary, the African Union Commission, the African Leaders Malaria Alliance (ALMA), the RBM Partnership and Speak Up Africa will host a virtual event exploring recent progress and remaining challenges relating to domestic resource mobilization for malaria control and elimination across Africa.

Join us for the “Zero Malaria Starts with Smart Investments” virtual event on domestic resource mobilization on 1 July 2021, from 08:00 to 09:30 GMT.

Nutrition & malaria: an integrated approach for effective case management

This World Nutrition Day, join speakers from the Asia Pacific Leaders Malaria Alliance (APLMA), RBMPartnership to End Malaria and UNICEF at a virtual discussion as part of the ISNTD Connect series.This session will examine the relationship between nutrition and infectious diseases such as malaria,sharing lessons learned from Asia Pacific and worldwide.

Tackling malaria: A win-win for saving lives and preventing future pandemics

We are pleased to invite you to Tackling malaria: A win-win for saving lives and preventing future pandemics, our upcoming virtual event.

As we approach the G7 Summit in June, the event will explore how the G7 can support and work with malaria endemic countries to strengthen local health systems in some of the most vulnerable communities to help counter existing disease threats such as COVID-19 and malaria, as well as detect and prevent future pandemics.