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Speed Up Scale-Up of IPTp: virtual event

Over the last two decades, the global malaria community has made significant gains in reducing the global
burden of malaria. However, in recent years, progress has stalled. Uptake of critical interventions that protect
pregnant women and their unborn children, who are extremely vulnerable to malaria infection, has improved
slowly and steadily but remains low. This hinders efforts towards reaching the 2030 Sustainable Development
Goal target of ending malaria and ensuring that no one is left behind.

Malaria Day in the Americas Forum

In commemoration of Malaria Day in the Americas 2021 

The Pan American Health Organization / World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) 

The United Nations Foundation, 

The Milken Institute School of Public Health at The George Washington University, 

The Center for Communication Programs at The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health,