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World Population Day

World Population Day 2024 is a moment to ask who is still going uncounted and why – and what this costs individuals, societies, and our global efforts to leave no one behind. It is also a moment for all of us to commit to doing more to ensure that our data systems capture the full range of human diversity so that everyone is seen, can exercise their human rights and can reach their full potential. 

Team Zero Malaria photo Contest

During the Paris 2024 Games, at a time when the world is looking in the same direction, we wish to imagine together a world without malaria. The Team Zero Malaria committee – composed of Friends of the Global Fund Europe, Esprit d'Ebène, and Local Elected Officials Against Malaria – mobilizes a Team Zero Malaria comprised of athletes, artists, political figures, researchers, and malaria advocates to raise awareness among the general public and call on decision-makers to increase funding for malaria control.

Western and Central Africa National Malaria Programmes and Partners Annual Meeting 2024

The 2024 Western and Central African National Malaria Programmes and Partners Annual Sub-Regional Meeting in Accra, Ghana, brought together stakeholders from 22 countries, key international partners like BMGF, WHO, UNICEF, USAID/PMI,  the Global Fund and RECs, as well as the private sector. This diverse gathering underscored the power of collaboration in tackling malaria, one of Africa’s most persistent public health challenges.

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Eastern and Southern Africa National Malaria Programmes and Partners Annual Meeting 2024

The RBM Partnership to End Malaria’s Annual Sub-Regional Meeting was held in Lusaka, Zambia, from September 16-19, 2024. The meeting underscored that achieving a malaria-free future hinges on robust collaboration, coordination, and multisectoral efforts. By uniting healthcare professionals, National Malaria Program Managers (NMCPs), policymakers, private sector leaders, and communities, tailored solutions are being developed to tackle the malaria challenges facing the region.