Leaders Dr Josiane Etang OCEAC, Cameroon Dr Birkinesh Ameneshewa Independent Advisor, Ethiopia |
Working Group Secretariat |
Next meeting: 5th Meeting of the IVM, Evidence and Capacity Work Stream
The IVM, Evidence and Capacity work stream combines former work streams Optimizing Evidence and the IVM/Entomological Capacity Strengthening. The overall aim of the work stream is to generate and share evidence to promote effective delivery and integration of malaria vector control interventions, and support related country capacity strengthening. Specifically, to:
• Generate and share evidence on effective and efficient deployment of prior, existing and new vector control interventions and practices;
• Generate and share evidence on integration of all vector control tools, including lessons from other regions and disease eradication programs;
• Work with WHO and RBM partners to build entomology and vector control capacity at all levels in endemic countries.
IVM, Evidence and Capacity Work stream Workplan 2020