This new work stream combines the former Optimizing Evidence for Vector Control Interventions and Entomological Monitoring and Integrated Vector Management (IVM) work streams. The overall aim is to generate evidence to promote the effective delivery and integration of vector control interventions and to support related country capacity strengthening. The work stream will not cover areas to be addressed by other work streams including IRS as a standalone intervention, insecticide resistance or new insecticides, housing and socioeconomic development as malaria interventions, multi‐sectoral collaboration, new tools in vector control such as ATSBs, ivermectin and repellents, or LLIN‐related issues (new nets, durability, delivery, markets). Likewise the overlap with LSM will be more on evaluation frameworks rather than LSM implementation itself.
General Information
Intervention Delivery, Integration and Capacity Strengthening WS: Introduction to the work stream
Martha Quiñones - Prospects and entomological challenges for malaria elimination in Latin America
Dan Strickman - The critical role of vector identification
Anne Wilson - Evaluating vector control interventions
Steve Lindsay - IVM manual status update
Leonard Ortega - Technical assistance and capacity building for entomology and vector control