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Moevenpick Hotel, Geneva, Switzerland
Wed, 8 Feb 2017

General Information

The framework for the IVM E&C Work Stream is to (i) generate and share evidence on effective and efficient deployment of prior, existing and new vector control interventions and practices; (ii) generate and share evidence on integration of all vector control tools, including lessons from other regions and disease eradication programs; and (iii) work with WHO and RBM partners to build entomology and vector control capacity at all levels in endemic countries. Five potential projects were presented. These projects will be consolidated with activities from other work streams where there is overlap (e.g. capacity‐building) and refined into specific work stream plans.

Meeting Agenda

Meeting Report


IVM, Evidence and Capacity WS: Workplan

Project 1 – Capacity-building: Update directory of entomology and vector control training institutions, programs and resources

Project 2 – Tessa Knox: Development of a global vector control response

Project 3 – Josiane Etang and Birkinesh Ameneshawa: Building capacity to manage Insecticide Resistance in the WHO Africa region: ANVR Project

Project 4 – Christina Rundi, Jetsumon Prachumsri, Michael Macdonald: Share best practices for entomological monitoring and outdoor/ residual transmission across regions

Project 5 – Valentina Buj and Richard Allan: Vector control In humanitarian emergencies

IVM, Evidence and Capacity WS: Feedback