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25 Apr 2020
World Malaria Day: event in Somalia

25 Apr 2020
World Malaria Day 2020: Assam, India
Since 2000, India cut malaria cases by more than half and the number of malaria deaths by more than two-thirds. [...]
25 Apr 2020
World Malaria Day 2020: Sierra Leone
When it comes to declaring #ZeroMalariaStartsWithMe, [...]25 Apr 2020
World Malaria Day
World Malaria Day, which takes place on 25 April each year, is an internationally recognized day, highlighting the global efforts to control malaria and celebrating the gains that have been [...]
24 Apr 2020
World Malaria Day Twitter Chat
Join Malaria Consortium, King's College London, Malaria No More UK and MMV on Friday, 24 April, for a #WorldMalaria [...]
23 Apr 2020
World Malaria Day webinar - Association Santé en Entreprise (SEE)
Programmes de lutte contre le paludisme : quelle continuité en contexte de pandémie de Coronavirus ? 23 avril 2020, 16:00 CEST [...]
23 Apr 2020
Sustaining Malaria Intervention Amid COVID-19: World Malaria Day Webinar
The Federal Ministry of Health, the RBM Partnership in Nigeria and the Corporate Alliance on Malaria in Africa (CAMA) are pleased to invite you to a webinar as we discuss how to sustain malaria int [...]