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We want to make a promise to you. Not a promise we can keep today, but a promise you can count on when you turn 18.

In 2030, you could be starting a first job, going to school, falling in love, and dreaming big about all the possibilities ahead of you. Or, you could be doing something we can’t even imagine today in 2019. Exciting times. And scary times.
Because as an adult, you will face new responsibilities, greater pressures, and even tougher challenges.

Let’s be honest, we’re leaving you with a long to-do list – fighting injustice, promoting equality, protecting the planet. But, we promise you this: over the next 11 years, we are going to do everything we can to remove one thing from that list.

Actually we’ll remove three things:

Aids. Tuberculosis. Malaria.

Not long ago, these diseases destroyed lives and communities, causing enormous pain and suffering. Then the world came together like never before and created the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. It funded clinics, supported nurses and doctors, and helped keep people healthy and safe. 27 million lives have been saved.

But today, these diseases are regaining ground, and all the progress we made is in danger of slipping away. 2030 is the deadline to reach the Global Goals – a plan to solve some of today’s biggest problems, including beating these diseases. That’s why we’re calling on the world to fight harder, smarter, together. On October 10th, world leaders will gather in France. Between now and then, we can encourage them to step up the fight by raising at least US$14 billion to help save 16 million more lives over the next three years and end these diseases as epidemics by 2030.

We promise to help the world reach this goal.
We will step up the fight so you don’t have to.

Yours in solidarity,

Dr Abdourahmane Diallo

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