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Cuernavaca, Mexico
Mon, 25-1-2010 - Wed, 27-1-2010

The 14th SME WG Annual Meeting that was held from 27 to 29 January 2010, in Cuernavaca, Mexico, brought together 22 in-person SME WG participants from 7 countries. 

Meeting Objectives
  • 1. Review ‘lessons learned’ on elimination from the Americas
  • 2. World Malaria Report and Indicators 2009
  • 3. Review activities related to high-level report on 2010 RBM targets
  • 4. Indicators and issues
  • 5. Discuss MERG business issues
  • 6. Update on MERG Task Force activitie


Fourteenth SME WG Meeting - minutes
Fourteenth SME WG Meeting - agenda
Fourteenth SME WG Meeting - summary