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Accra, Ghana

22-25 August 2023

Session 1 Introductions, objectives, key updates

Keziah Malm NMEP, Ghana - Progress towards malaria elimination in Ghana

Peter Olumese WHO GMP - Technical updates from the WHO Global Malaria Programme

Peter Olumese Co-Chair CRSPC, RBM - Update from RBM Partnership to End Malaria


Session 2 Drug resistance

Charlotte Rasmussen WHO GMP - Global status of drug resistance (Slides)  (Video)

Panel discussion on country experiences with responses to drug resistance and Q&A NMCP Representatives: Rwanda (Jules Mugabo), Uganda (Gerald Rukundo), Kenya (Regina Kandie)


Session 3 hrp2/3 deletions and program implications and response

Deus Ishengoma MESA - Global response to hrp2/3 deletions (Slides)   (Video)

Panel discussion on country responses to hrp2/3 deletions NMCP Representatives: Ethiopia (Degu Mehari), Djibouti (Samatar Kayad Guelleh)


Session 4 Field trip


Session 5 Quality improvement of malaria case management

Larry Barat, PMI Impact Malaria - Presentation- QI at facility level/OTSS

Solange Sotakwo ISDC, MOH, Cameroon - Country presentation- QI at community level

Panel discussion on successes and challenges with quality improvement NMCP Representatives: Cameroon (Solange Sotakwo), Zambia (Busiku Hamainza), Ghana (Paul Boateng)


Session 6 PMC and other drug-based approaches

Lilly Claire Ekobika The Plus Project - Update from PLUS Project

Q&A and panel discussion on successes and challenges with implementing PMC and other drug-based approaches NMCP Representatives: Benin (William Houndjo), Cote d’Ivoire (Marcellin Dougone), Sierra Leone (Anitta Kamara)


Session 7 Closing

Erin Eckert - Brief update on monitoring for malaria case management (Slides)   (Video)

Brief updates from other RBM Working Groups:

  Chonge Kitojo (MIPWG) - Malaria in Pregnancy Working Group (Slides)   (Video)

  Mariam Wamala (SBCWG) - Updates from the RBM SBC WG


Session 8 Severe malaria: pre-referral interventions and referral

Peter Olumese WHO GMP - WHO update on rectal artesunate

Country experiences with pre-referral interventions and referrals – Part 1:

  Busiku Hamainza NMEP Zambia

Country experiences with pre-referral interventions and referrals – Part 2:

  Nelson Eze NMCP Nigeria

  Anitta Kamara NMCP Sierra Leone


Session 9 Continuum of care

Nicholas White Oxford/MAHIDOL - The role of pre-referral antibiotic treatment of severe febrile illness in children (Slides)   (Video)

Noella Umulisa Rwanda (on behalf of Damascene Niyonzima, RBC) - Management of severe malaria and other severe febrile illnesses

Germaine Ekoyol NMCP Cameroon - Improvements in quality of care: status of malaria training curriculum updates/refreshers; role of eLearning modules and supportive supervision e.g. OTSS+

Jordan Burns PMI & Htin Kyaw Thu Global Fund - An overview of severe malaria case-management support to countries by Global Fund and PMI

Session 10 Post-discharge malaria chemoprevention (PDMC)

Titus Kwambai CDC Kenya - Malaria Chemoprevention in the Post-discharge Management of Severe Anemia in Children

Gerald Rukundo NMCP Uganda - Country experience with the implementation of PDMC
