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Committees may be established to work on specific short-term issues or products of interest to SME WG or longer-term objectives in areas of interest to SME WG. A committee may be established at the recommendation of annual SME WG meetings or of RBM to the co-chairs. Additionally, any member may propose the creation of a committee to meet an explicit SME challenge or need.

SME WG Co-chairs must endorse the committee, with support from the SME WG Secretariat. Following this endorsement, Committees will be named on the SME WG website along with contact information. Each Committee should be led by co-leads and have an agreed TOR with specific annual plans and objectives that are validated by the SME WG Co-chairs and Secretariat.

Leads may invite knowledgeable professionals who are not otherwise engaged in SME WG activities to join a committee. Committee meetings will include invitations to the SME WG Cochairs and Secretariat, and meeting minutes will be submitted to the Co-chairs and the SME WG Secretariat. Each committee is responsible for reporting progress on their annual plan to the SME WG Co-Chairs and Secretariat. The Secretariat will organize quarterly meetings specifically to for monitoring committee progress against deliverables in their annual plan.

Community Health Committee

Community Health Committee

Surveillance Practice & Data Quality Committee

Surveillance Practice & Data Quality Committee

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