Plenary Presentations
Day 1
- Keziah Malm & Justin McBeath - Welcome to the VCWG-15
- Matthew Boslego - Update from the RBM Partnership to End Malaria
- Fred Binka - The Lancet Commission on Eradication: country perspectives on practical approaches on implementation for impact (a panel discussion)
Inputs from countries at the panel discussion:
- Helen Hiwat-Van Laar - Suriname
- Ahmad Raeisi - IR Iran
- Lamin Jarju - The Gambia
- Muhammad Mukhtar - Pakistan
- Philip Okoko - Nigeria
Day 3
- Jan Kolaczinski - Update on recent, ongoing and future GMP work on malaria entomology and vector control
- Rajpal Yadav - Update on Global Vector Control Response
- Birkinesh Ameneshewa - Feedback from the ANVR (2000 - to-date)
- Leo Braack & Htin Kyaw Thu - APMEN
- Prosper Chaki - PAMCA
- Samira Al-Eryani - Strengthening Vector Surveillance and Control: EMRO capacity-building activities
- Chadwick Sikaala - SADC Malaria Elimination Eight: Secretariat Feedback
- Kunizo Mori - Mitsui Chemicals Agro
- Susie Nasr - Global Fund Perspective on Vector Control – Next Funding Cycle
Updates from other RBM Working Groups
- Monitoring and Evaluation Reference Group
- Malaria in Pregnancy Working Group
- Social Behaviour Change Communication Working Group
- Case Management Working Group
Work Stream Presentations
For work stream presentations, please visit the individual work stream event pages: