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The Social and Behaviour Change Working Group (SBC WG) is a forum to exchange malaria SBC best practices and experiences; mobilise political and technical resources to position SBC as a core component of malaria control; and promote the development of theory-informed, evidence-based SBC programming at the country level.

Featured Resource

The Community Health Worker Malaria Social and Behaviour Change Toolkit is available in English, French, and Portuguese! This new resource can be found under Resources.



Gabrielle Hunter                          Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs
Nabukenya Mariam Wamala      Uganda National Malaria Control Program
Elizabeth Chiyende                     Catholic Relief Services, Zambia
Ashley Riley                                 Breakthrough ACTION


Malaria interventions depend on human behaviour in order to be successful. Although malaria is preventable and treatable, it continues to be a major cause of death and morbidity in endemic countries, with over three billion people at risk. World Health Organization (WHO) member countries have put forth a bold vision of a malaria-free world, aiming to reduce the global malaria burden by 90 percent, by 2030. A concerted worldwide effort has resulted in a more than 60 percent drop in malaria mortality globally since 2001. Progress has depended on the introduction of effective technologies, new drugs, and large-scale efforts to make commodities accessible to those who are vulnerable. Progress has also depended on the creation of demand for products and services, appropriate use, and changes in underlying social norms related to malaria prevention and treatment. The integration of high-quality social and behaviour change (SBC) into malaria strategic plans is essential in order to reach targets to prevent, treat, control, and eventually eliminate the disease.

Social and behaviour change encompasses health communication, social and community mobilization. With components ranging from interpersonal communication between a community health worker and their client to multi-level mass media campaigns, evidence-based and theory-driven SBC interventions are an integral part of all types of health promotion and disease prevention and have been shown to significantly improve behaviours. Human behaviour and community engagement are essential elements in the fight against malaria  – and most importantly – without social and behaviour change we cannot sustain the gains and prevent sliding backward.

The SBC WG produces, maintains, and disseminates key global resources, such as the Strategic Framework for Malaria Social and Behaviour Change Communication 2018-2030.

Upcoming Events

SBC WG General Calls and other virtual events are available in English, French, and Portuguese. Use the links below to register for upcoming calls. Recordings and presentations are uploaded to the SBC WG General Call tab.


Developing M&E Plans for Malaria Social and Behavior Change Programs: A Step-by-Step Guide 3rd Edition
Social and Behavior Change Working Group (SBC WG) ToR
Community Health Worker Malaria Social and Behaviour Change Toolkit
Strategic Framework for Malaria Social and Behaviour Change Communication 2018-2030
Making the Case for Malaria SBC: Key Messages and Actionable Steps
Malaria Social and Behavior Change Communication Indicator Reference Guide: Second Edition
An. stephensi Resources - July 2023 General Call