22 April 2024 - The RBM Partnership to End Malaria is pleased to announce that it has opened a call for nominations for the position of Country/Regional Support Partner Committee (CRSPC) Co-Chair.
The details of the nomination and selection process are provided below.
Please complete the nomination form by 23:59 (CEST) on 13 May 2024.
Incomplete nominations, or nominations received after this date, will not be considered.
The members of the Country/Regional Support Partner Committee (CRSPC) Steering Group, in close consultation with the RBM CEO, will make a recommendation to the Board at its May 2024 meeting on candidate(s) for the CRSPC Co-Chair who will succeed Peter Olumese (WHO) and lead the CRSPC together with Hana Bilak (PATH). The successful candidate will assume functions on 1 January 2025, for a term of three years, renewable once. (Note: the start date may be brought forward if needed.)
The Partner Committee Co-chair plays a critical role in the operation of the RBM Partnership. In leading the CRSPC, Co-Chairs contribute to the RBM Partnership's overall mission and bring a high level of expertise (see Eligibility below).
For more information on the role, responsibilities and requirements, please consult the CRSPC terms of reference and the Partner Committee Co-Chair roles and responsibilities, as approved by the RBM Partnership Board in September 2023 in the Standard Operating Procedures.
The nomination procedure is open to individuals with a good understanding of malaria, policies and guidelines and the wider development context as well as experience related to country-led malaria control and elimination. It is expected that nominations for the PC Co-chair role are preferably drawn from the members of the PC Steering Group. However, if other candidates meet the above criteria, their applications will be considered.
Nomination process
Nominations made by RBM Partners and self-nominations are accepted. Individuals are encouraged to self-nominate if s/he has the required skills and experience.
Selection process
As per the Partner Committee SOPs, for the Co-Chair position, the selection process will be managed by the RBM Secretariat and will include the following steps:
- Call for nominations posted on the RBM Partnership website, providing a period of at least three (3) weeks to submit nominations/applications.
- Nominations received will be reviewed by the CRSPC Steering Group against selection criteria, taking into account conflicts of interest principles, making a recommendation in consultation with the CEO.
- Shortlisted candidate(s) will be required to submit confirmation from employer that they approve the potential designation of this role; and
CEO will present the recommended candidate(s) to the Board for approval.
- 22 April 2024: Call for nominations published on endmalaria.org.
- 13 May 2024: Deadline for receipt of nominations.
- 20 May 2024: Deadline for candidates to submit confirmation from employer.
- 24 May 2024: Board considers the recommended candidate(s) presented by the CEO.
For more additional information or any queries, please contact boardaffairs@endmalaria.org