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The RBM Partnership to End Malaria Strategic Plan 2021-2025 focuses on convening and coordinating an inclusive, multisectoral response to control, eliminate, and ultimately eradicate malaria.

The strategy aims to position the RBM Partnership to End Malaria to play a vital role in:

  • Facilitating timely access to implementation support to address bottlenecks and gaps
  • Supporting countries to strengthen multi-stakeholder partnership coordination at the national and sub-national level
  • Leveraging regional alliances and initiatives to ensure cross-border and cross-sectoral coordination and coherence
  • Advocating for optimized global resource envelopes from existing donors and new channels of financing
  • Supporting countries with mobilizing and prioritizing domestic and other resources for malaria and health
  • Promoting and supporting the inclusion of new interventions in the design and delivery of programmes, and
  • Fostering peer learning and knowledge exchange to facilitate deployment and scale-up of new products, techniques, or implementation strategies.


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  • RBM Partnership to End Malaria Strategic Plan 2021-2025
  • RBM Strategic Plan 2021-2025 social media toolkit
  • RBM Strategic Plan 2021-2025 summary